Mkdir(): Permission denied on Windows


Viewed 401 times


I try to configure Vuejs in the Laravel with the following code:

php artisan preset vue

However, I resume this mistake:

ErrorException : mkdir(): Permission denied

I am using Windows and my project is in this way C:\projLarVue

Note: The same command for bootstrap works. My Laravel is 5.7.26

  • I solved the problem by freeing access in 'right click on the folder>Security>Total Control(Mark)'. It is the tip for those who have suffered the same as me ;)

1 answer


Your problem is related to directory permission, and for this you can use the command cacls from the terminal to this (similar to chmod from linux), for example:

CACLS *.* /E /T /C /P todos:F

CACLS Displays/modifies access control lists (Acls) of files (is a kind of linux chmod)


*.* I define that are all files from the root where I am running the command, but can be subsisted by a directory or a specific file.

/And - Edits the permissions

/P - Replaces the specified user rights

/D - Denies access to the specified user

/T - Set arqs. Acls specified in dir. and subdirs

all is the user name, and what comes after the ":" are permissions, for example: todos:F grants full permission, options are:

R Read

W Record

C Change (save)

F Full control

For more information you can run the command


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