Fluig - Mysql 8 Connector


Viewed 206 times


I can’t get my Fluig server up, because there’s an error

com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Public Key Retrieval is not allowed

Exhaustively researching, discovered that I would need to change the value of the property


for true.

I went to Mysql Workbench 8 to see, but did not find the property through Local Instance, Options File.

The way was this msmo? Where can I make this check?

  • In the link you posted, I believe it is for you to add this parameter in the connection URL something like: jdbc:mysql://address:port/database?allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true&useSSL=false

  • Dear @Viktorhugo, the problem is just this. Where to do this?

1 answer


For more information: Documentation Fluig Datasources

The configuration is very simple, the fluig uses jboss as application server. We need to change the file standalone.xml where the settings for datasources are located.

(Stay tuned according to your version of Fluig)

  • If you use version 1.5.13 or lower, edit the file standalone.xml located at [Installation fluig] jboss standalone Configuration.
  • If you use version 1.6 or higher, edit the Domain.xml file located at [Flowing installation] appserver Domain Configuration.

You will locate the tag datasources representing the Mysql connection and changing the tag configuration Connection-url, follows an example:


   <datasource jndi-name="java:jboss/datasources/MySqlDS" pool-name="MySqlDS">




        <user-name>seu usuario</user-name>

        <password>sua senha</password>






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