I can pass 2 json_encode
in a single function in the Laravel?
What is the best way to return 2 JSON different?
Where 1 consults the table Products and the other the table States.
Look at this controller of mine:
$data = Produtos::select(
DB::raw('nome as nome'),
DB::raw('count(*) as number'))
$array[] = ['Nome', 'Number'];
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$array[++$key] = [$value->nome, $value->number];
$estados = Estados::selectRaw('SUM(valor) as valor, estado as estado')->groupBy('estado')->get();
$arrayEstados[] = ['Valor', 'Estado'];
foreach($estados as $key => $valor) {
$arrayEstados[++$key] = [$valor->valor, $valor->estado];
return view('home', compact('notasEntrada', 'notasSaida', 'valorNotasEntrada', 'valorNotasSaida'))->with('nome', json_encode($array), 'estados', json_encode($arrayEstados));
Note that in the return view
I’m passing 2 json_encode
but I am not having result, this is allowed to do? What is the best solution?
I’ll try, I’ll get back to you @Bulfaitelo
– Cristiano Facirolli
It worked @Bulfaitelo, thanks for your help!
– Cristiano Facirolli