Classes of autoload Composer do not work


Viewed 105 times


I’m using the composer to manage the classes of my project, in the archive composer.json defined the folders, in the classes I put their respective namespaces, but I can’t use them in other files.

Folder structure

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


    "require": {
        "sendgrid/sendgrid": "^5.1"
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Classes\\" : "Classes",
            "DAO\\" : "DAO"


namespace Classes;

    class UsuarioLinkedin { }

Using the class

    require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
    use Classes\UsuarioLinkedin;
    $usuarioLink = new UsuarioLinkedin();


Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Classes\UsuarioLinkedin' not found in C:\wamp64\www\ibico-solution\form\formLogin.php on line 58

  • has given the command php composer dump-autoload?

  • Yes rode, the return was that Generated autoload files containing 0 classes

  • Is there a missing configuration or something you’re not saying, where is the folder vendor ?

  • Sorry I ended up cutting the vendor folder of the print, but it is at the same level as the folders shown in the image

  • change your psr-4 so: "psr-4": {&#xA; "Classes\\" : "Classes/",&#xA; "DAO\\" : "DAO/"&#xA; }

  • I changed it but it didn’t work

  • I just simulated the example and in mine it worked... of course I’m not seeing your code in full, but, there is some error in the programming.

  • Strange file that you using the classes are at the same level as the other folders ? Or is inside one of them ?

  • I’m using my example on the same level, it doesn’t change much if you pass the path correctly, maybe that’s your problem

  • Sorry way from which file?

  • C:\wamp64\www\ibico-solution\form\formLogin.php on line 58 this do not know if this is right the file path, as it was configured, IE, your error is hard to play location.

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