Compare jquery points


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How do I make a Jquery for a input with the function of... (take what is written on the input and compare whether it is greater or less with the points he has recorded...)


    campoTexto.length(pega o que tem escrito e tamanho) e compara se é maior ou menor que numeroPontosCliente.lenght
  • 1

    Boy I don’t understand well, you want to compare the size of the typed text with the text that came from the database, in a possible update or something like that would be ?

  • Explain a little better, these points would be the character "."?

  • Yes, ex: I have a <p> with 100 points "That’s coming from the bank"... below has an input for me to type how many points I will use from my 100 points I have. I need Jquery that does not allow to advance with a number typed greater than 100 or less than 100... understood more or less?

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