I lose the $_SESSION from one view to another php mvc system view


Viewed 349 times


I’m creating my own to acquire more knowledge.

But I’m running into something very strange, I miss the $_SESSION of a view to another view.

a. php ----- view a.php

$_SESSION['teste'] = 'Funcionou';
echo $_SESSION['teste'];

b. php ----- view b.php


echo $_SESSION['teste'];
// Notice: Undefined variable: _SESSION in    

// Notice: Undefined variable: _SESSION in NULL


My Class of Session

namespace Sis\Classes;

use App\Model\ClassLogin;
use Sis\Traits\TraitGetIp;

class ClassSession {

private $login;
private $timeSession = 1200;
private $timeCanary  = 300;

        public function __construct(){
                if(session_id() == ''){

                        ini_set("session.save_handler", "files"); //Cabeçalhos somente atraves de arquivos
                        ini_set("session.use_cookies", 1); //Habilita o uso de cookies
                        ini_set("session.use_only_cookies", 1); //Só pode habilitar a seção atraves de coockies
                        ini_set("session.cookie_domain", DOMAIN); //Só aceita coockies vindo do nosso sistema
                        ini_set("session.cookie_httponly", 1); //Só aceita script php e não deixa o javascript alterar o sistema

                        if(DOMAIN != "localhost"){
                                ini_set("session.cookie_secure", 1); //Para trabalhar com o SSL do servidor ativo

                        /*Criptografia das nossas sessions*/
                        ini_set("session.entropy_length", 512); // 
                        ini_set("session.hash_function", "sha256");
                        ini_set("session.hash_bits_per_character", 5);



                $this->login = new ClassLogin();

        #Proteger contra roubo de sessão
        public function setSessionCanary($par=null){
                if($par == null){
                        "birth" => time(),
                        "IP" => TraitGetIp::getUserIp() //Pega o ip do usuario



        #Verificar a integridade da sessão
        public function verifyIdSessions(){


                if($_SESSION['canary']['IP'] !== TraitGetIp::getUserIp()){


                if($_SESSION['canary']['birth'] < time() - $this->timeCanary){


        #Setar as sessões do nosso sistema
        public function setSessions($Email){


                $_SESSION['Login']      = true;
                $_SESSION['Time']       = time();
                $_SESSION['Nome']       = $this->login->getIssetSession($Email)['data']['Nome'];
                $_SESSION['Email']      = $this->login->getIssetSession($Email)['data']['Email'];
                $_SESSION['Permissoes'] = $this->login->getIssetSession($Email)['data']['Permissoes'];


        #Validar as páginas internas do sistema
        public function verifyInsideSession(){


                if(!isset($_SESSION['Login']) || !isset($_SESSION['Permissoes']) || !isset($_SESSION['canary'])){

                        header("Location: ".DIRPAGE."NaoAutorizado");

                        if($_SESSION['Time'] >= time() - $this->timeSession){

                                header("Location: ".DIRPAGE."NaoAutorizado");


        #Destruir as sessions existentes
        public function destructSessions(){
                foreach (array_keys($_SESSION) as $key) {

        public function testarSessions(){
                echo 'oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiooooooooooo';


Como funciona no google chorme

Como funciona no mozila

  • Is that exactly the code? These files run directly from the browser?

  • Hi Anderson I have the controller structure strange if I call everything on the login screen works, more if I send to Adm view after logging it loses the Session

  • 2

    Then there should be more influencing things. Try to simplify the question how everything works, routes, controllers, views, etc by seeking to make a [mcve].

  • So that’s right everything works the routes everything ok ...... I will edit and put my class of Ssion

  • Hi Anderson added my class

  • Run directly in the browser...

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