Count data from a table to sum


Viewed 50 times


Hello folks I’m crando a Dashboard and I came across a challenge and I don’t know what to do.

Table Order of Services

Nome_do_profissional = Susana  
Serviço = MegaHair   
Valor = 80

I need to create a query that counts how many times the name repeats in the column Nome-do-profissional, and multiply by the amount she would receive as payment, example:

$quatidade = 5;
$valorTipoDeServiço = 80;
$pagamento =  5 * 80;

detail, this value to be multiplied is not the same recorded in the table it will be in another table:

Table TYPE Services

Serviços = Mega Hair  
Valor = 80  

3 answers


You tried some query already?

Test this example :

SELECT COUNT(Nome_do_profissional), valor
FROM Servicos
WHERE Nome_do_profissional = 'Susana';
  • yes I used exactly this logic, I think my problem is in saving the query result in a string, and multiply it by the record value of a second table.

  • as you are saving in variable the result today, edit your post and put this information so that it can help you!


Hello, Natan. For this, you will need to use relationship between tables and SQL data grouping.

Suppose we have the table ordens with the following structure:

nome_do_profissional  |   servico
Susana                |   MegaHair
Joana                 |   MegaHair

And the table servicos with:

nome             |   valor
MegaHair         |   80

See that servico and nome_do_servico will be our keys to relate the data between one table and the other. Thus, using the functions GROUP BY and a LEFT JOIN, we can do:

    SUM(servicos.valor) as valor_total
    ordens.servico = servicos.nome

This will return us data where we will have professional name in a column and the total value will accumulate the total value of all services performed by this professional.

See working on Sqlfiddle:! 9/c3fc4b/22/0

  • Great friend. but how do I print this in my table html. because in my html I would have: <table> <! -- top line --> <td> <td>Name</td> <td>Mega Hair</td> <td>Cut</td> <td>Receive value</td> </tr> <? php while ($dados = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) { # code... ? > <! -- Infernal line --> <tr> <td><? php echo $data['Professional'name']; ? ></td> <td><? php echo>

  • Now I’m not getting the problem right. Do you need to take the total amount to be received by the employee or is it something else? This query I showed you will fetch the total amount to be received by the employee.

  • You are so right! I need to pick up how much the employee will receive, and print in my html, if possible in a TABLE excuse I’m a beginner in PHP

  • Do as you are in this gist and it should work:



DECLARE @nome  nvarchar(MAX);
DECLARE @valor nvarchar(MAX);
DECLARE @query nvarchar(MAX);

    @nome = (SELECT COUNT('NOME') AS nome,
    @valor = (SELECT SUM('VALOR') AS valor
FROM consultas;    

SET @query = '
    SELECT *
    FROM {nome} as a  
    WHERE a.{valor} = @valor

An example using SQL, the logic is to save the results of the two selects in two variables and then mount a query with these outworking.

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