How to import C++ project to VS?


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I’m new in the C++ area, and I need to import a project into VS. I can only open the project folder, and edit file by file. C++ does not have a sln file. to open the entire folder context, I am very confused with C++ because it various files .cpp .h and doesn’t have a standard file to open them all, you know? How will I import this project with my changes, and then compile?

  • The notion of the project and the file that constitutes the project depends entirely on the editor. There are those who program in c++ without using these notions and compile directly in the terminal. Which editor was created the project you want to import ?

  • I’m taking this project freely available specifically the Tank Game in C++

  • Looking at this link, it depends a lot on the project. Hangman for example has only one file. c which is the source logo there is no project to import and so you can create a new project and add the only source file you have. Pacman for example has a . cbp file which is a codeblocks project file so you can open the project in codeblocks

  • Okay, I think I should dig deeper into this! :|

  • 1

    Note that this tank game has a . cbp also in the root folder of Source Files You can also open this project in Codeblocks. I already tested it here and when I open it I see the sources and headers all right in the structure of the project, and even I can run without problem in codeblocks. Just to add a little more, this game uses the library Allegro for games, which facilitates in some things, almost as an engine

  • I found the file, I’ll download Codeblock, thank you!

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