I’m new in the C++ area, and I need to import a project into VS. I can only open the project folder, and edit file by file. C++ does not have a sln file. to open the entire folder context, I am very confused with C++ because it various files .cpp
and doesn’t have a standard file to open them all, you know? How will I import this project with my changes, and then compile?
The notion of the project and the file that constitutes the project depends entirely on the editor. There are those who program in c++ without using these notions and compile directly in the terminal. Which editor was created the project you want to import ?
– Isac
I’m taking this project freely available https://www.codewithc.com/c-projects-with-source-code/ specifically the Tank Game in C++
– sYsTeM
Looking at this link, it depends a lot on the project. Hangman for example has only one file. c which is the source logo there is no project to import and so you can create a new project and add the only source file you have. Pacman for example has a . cbp file which is a codeblocks project file so you can open the project in codeblocks
– Isac
Okay, I think I should dig deeper into this! :|
– sYsTeM
Note that this tank game has a . cbp also in the root folder of
Source Files
You can also open this project in Codeblocks. I already tested it here and when I open it I see the sources and headers all right in the structure of the project, and even I can run without problem in codeblocks. Just to add a little more, this game uses the library Allegro for games, which facilitates in some things, almost as an engine– Isac
I found the file, I’ll download Codeblock, thank you!
– sYsTeM