Count GET parameters - PHP


Viewed 86 times


How do I count how many $_GET parameters are filled in? I made a Count() in $_GET but it also counts the amount of empty values.

2 answers


You can do a simple function to get the empty values:


function count_sem_vazios($array) {
    $contagem = 0;
    foreach ($array as $foo) {
        if (!empty($foo))
    return $contagem;

// Demonstração:
$teste = array(
    null, // essa NÃO conta
    0, // essa NÃO conta
    'string', // essa conta (1)
    10, // essa conta (2)
    true, // essa conta (3)
    '' // essa NÃO conta

$contagem = count_sem_vazios($teste); // Retorna: 3


// Para a variável $_GET:
// $contagem = count_sem_vazios($_GET);

Recalling that the Empty() has some considerations for emptiness:

  • "" (an empty string)
  • 0 (0 as a whole)
  • 0.0 (0 as a floating point)
  • "0" (0 as a string)
  • NULL
  • array() (an empty array)
  • $var; (a declared variable but no value)
  • 1

    Thank you Lipespry, I will study a little more about Empty()

  • In fact, you don’t have to focus too much on Empty. I just emphasized the cases that he considers empty. You should use a formula that matches the content you want to filter. You can even create a callback and use it in conjunction with colleague @rcs' proposal that will work very well! Each case is a case. ;)


You can use the function array_filter to remove the empty values and then count the returned result.

$valoresVaziosGet  = array_filter($_GET);
$contagemVaziosGet = count($valoresVaziosGet);
  • Thanks for your help

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