I’m having a problem inserting a javascript signature into the database. You’re making me wrong again:
oci_execute(): ORA-01704: too long string literal
I don’t know what it might be, I’ve been reading that the varchar
the limit is 4000bytes, but the blog is much more and I still can not insert the signature, I will leave the excerpt PHP
here with the insert
$cracha = $_POST['cracha'];
$nomecompleto = $_POST['nomecompleto'];
$setor = $_POST['setor'];
$cargo = $_POST['cargo'];
$assinatura = $_POST['signature_responsavel'];
$data1 = date('Y-m-d');
$emprestimo = $_POST['emprestimo'];
$estabelecimento = $_POST['estabelecimento'];
//aqui tento transformar para base64 mas não adianta
$data2 = "$assinatura";
list($type, $data2) = explode(';', $data2);
list(, $data2) = explode(',', $data2);
$data2 = base64_decode($data2);
$assinatura1 = $assinatura;
$sql = " INSERT INTO web.sistemarh_transf (cracha,descricao,nomecompleto,loja,cargo,data_entrada,setor,tamanho,quantidade,status,assinatura)
VALUES ('$cracha','$descricao','$nomecompleto','$estabelecimento','$cargo',TO_DATE('$data1', 'yyyy/mm/dd'),'$setor','$tamanho',$quantidade,'$emprestimo','$assinatura1')";
$inserir = oci_parse($conexao,$sql);
//aqui sigo a dica de um forum, mas não adianta, o que pode estar errado? Pois em outras tabelas tem inserções de 17,18k de caracteres, nesta está dando problema
$blob = oci_new_descriptor($conexao, OCI_D_LOB);
oci_execute($inserir, OCI_DEFAULT) or die ("Unable to execute query");
signature code on the previous form:
<div class="form-group">
<label for="email"> Assinatura</label>
<div id="content">
<div id="signatureparent">
<div id="signature"></div>
<div id="tools"></div>
<div id="scrollgrabber"></div>
<script src="./libs/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="./libs/jSignature.min.noconflict.js"></script>
<textarea id="imgData" name="signature_responsavel" style="width:960px; display:none;"></textarea>
dude, but I’m using it in php, I don’t get it,,
– Ricardo Gonçalves
When the Insert that PHP is generating reaches the bank, it arrives with the format of the first one that gave the error. You need to create a script, similar to the second example in PHP respecting, of course, its context and run this script in the database.
– Reginaldo Rigo
Already done when I do the base64_decode
– Ricardo Gonçalves