Java spring: error removing model listing object


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I am having problems in the construction of the relations between the models of a project, I have a document that has several subcategories.

When I save a document I want to do a validation, which will create the relationship subcategory-document in the field document that this model has, but I’m having problems. I deleted part of the code to point out exactly where the problem happens, which I followed in debug.


@OneToMany(mappedBy="document", cascade=CascadeType.MERGE)
private Set<Subcategory> subcategories;

//necessário, pois se remover isso ao listar o documento ele entra num loop entre as referencias de documento-subcategoria e subcategoria-documento
private Document document;


//primeiro chamo a função do save, passando um objeto do tipo documento, e assim irá para a função validade
public Document save(document model) {
return repository.saveAndFlush(validade(model));

public Document validade(Document model) {
for(Subcategory subcategory:model.getSubcategories()) {
//pego o objeto 
            subcategory = subcategoryService.findById(subcategory.getId());

//adiciono uma referência do documento na subcategoria

//após isso, quero atualizar no modelo de subcategoria esse objeto que adicionei o documento (o do for)
//para isso eu removo o objeto antigo da subcategoria do modelo, entanto isso retorna false, nada é removido mesmo existindo na listagem de subcategorias
//adiciono novamente o objeto atualizado, o objeto fica duplicado, dá erro, o antigo sem o documento e o novo com o documento.

Without creating that bond between subcategory document and subcategory-document, I cannot correctly associate these.

Any contribution is valid.

  • That part of the validate is confusing,

  • Good, you do not need to run the Document search by id, just add the reference object, until pq if the result is null, the subcategory will be saved without Document

  • I saw that you have the category removed by the id, before you have the Document saved, I do not understand why, but I think you should change the logic

1 answer


The remove is returning false because he could not find an object in the collection that met the equals. According to the Javadoc:

Removes the specified element from this set if it is present (optional Operation). More formally, removes an element and such that (o==null ? e==null : o.equals(e)), if this set contains such an element. Returns true if this set contained the element (or equivalently, if this set changed as a result of the call). (This set will not contain the element Once the call Returns.)

You can use the removeIf:

model.getSubcategories().removeIf(subcat => subcat.getId() == subcategory.getId());

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