Get id of two html elements?


Viewed 56 times


I have an array of inputs and use to record in the database

foreach($params['questionnaire_questions_answers'] as $key => $item){
    $student_anamineses_answers = DB::table('student_anamineses_answers')->insert(
            'student_anamnese_id' => $id,
            'questionnaire_question_id' => 2,/*VER COMO GRAVAR O questionnaire_question_id DINAMICAMENTE */
            'answer' => $item

The problem is questionnaire_question_id is in another input:

<input type="hidden" name="questionnaire_question_id[]" value="'+ +'" />\
<textarea required name="questionnaire_questions_answers[]" cols="80" 
   placeholder="Digite a resposta aqui" rows="3" id="perguntas"></textarea>')

It is a question and answer system. I record the question table called Question and then need to record the answers in the Answers tables. I do a foreach to get the id of the questionnaire_questions_answers textarea so I can save the answer to the Answers table. Only I need to get the question id, q I pass the questionnaire_question_id input. When I do a foreach in the textareas I can take the data (Answers) and record in the bano, but I don’t know how to take the id of the question and record in the same table Answers. How to go through this input and save the information in questionnaire_question_id?

  • 2

    I did not understand well, the problem, this input it is sent along with the other data ? can explain the process that is happening, the question is a little vague.

  • Also not understand very well what you want, you want to access the questionnaire_question_id which is associated with questionnaire_questions_answers? If so when walking through one keep the index and use in the array of the other element. I think you want to do this questionnaire_questions_answers[0] questionnaire_question_id[0]

  • edited the question to see if it facilitates the understanding

1 answer


As the two ids are distinct variables you have to know which position you want to access.
You can use the foreach but you have to create a variable in advance to store the current position and then be able to relate to the other array. Example:

$acc = 0;
$outros_ids = $params['questionnaire_question_id'];
foreach($params['questionnaire_questions_answers'] as $key => $item){
    $student_anamineses_answers = DB::table('student_anamineses_answers')->insert(
            'student_anamnese_id' => $id,
            'questionnaire_question_id' => $outros_ids[$acc++],/*VER COMO GRAVAR O questionnaire_question_id DINAMICAMENTE */
            'answer' => $item

Another solution could be the use of the function array_shift that removes the first value of an array and returns it.

$outros_ids = $params['questionnaire_question_id'];
foreach($params['questionnaire_questions_answers'] as $key => $item){
    $student_anamineses_answers = DB::table('student_anamineses_answers')->insert(
            'student_anamnese_id' => $id,
            'questionnaire_question_id' => array_shift($outros_ids),/*VER COMO GRAVAR O questionnaire_question_id DINAMICAMENTE */
            'answer' => $item

From what I understand of your question this is what you intend to do, correct me if I’m wrong.

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