Good afternoon, I am developing a website and in it has a button to share a message to a certain contact, the problem is that this message is appearing incomplete. I used the Inspect Element on the site and the message is complete, but when testing the message both via Whatsapp Web, and by Smartphone it appears incomplete.
$destaque['share_whatsapp'] = "https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=55" . preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $row_share['config_whatsapp']) . "&text=Olá, gostaria de conversar á respeito deste imóvel: https://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "/imoveis.php?categoria=" . $destaque['imov_id_categ'] . "&imovel=" . $destaque['imov_id'] . "&galeria=" . $destaque['imov_id_galeria'];
How is it appearing in the source code of the site:
I thought the Whatsapp API would have some limitation regarding the number of characters, but removing some characters from the message still means the message is just "category".
Are you sending a link through the link itself? Look how crazy this is going to be. Search for text encoding before generating your URL dynamically.
– Woss