My HSD.test does not work. Any tips on how to run?


Viewed 194 times


My treatment is in tracks and I am using as a basis the script taken from the book "Agricultural Experimentation" Kronha & Banzatto pg 161, accessed by website.

I intend to perform the Anova and then the test to define the interactions:


Testing layer factor


After putting this on RStudio, it runs, no errors appear, but no comparison table appears. What may be missing from my script?

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1 answer


If you want the output to appear on the console you need to put the argument console = TRUE.

For example:

> library(agricolae)
> data(sweetpotato)
> model<-aov(yield~virus, data=sweetpotato)
> HSD.test(model,"virus", group=TRUE)
> HSD.test(model,"virus", group=TRUE, console = TRUE)

Study: model ~ "virus"

HSD Test for yield 

Mean Square Error:  22.48917 

virus,  means

      yield      std r  Min  Max
cc 24.40000 3.609709 3 21.7 28.5
fc 12.86667 2.159475 3 10.6 14.9
ff 36.33333 7.333030 3 28.0 41.8
oo 36.90000 4.300000 3 32.1 40.4

Alpha: 0.05 ; DF Error: 8 
Critical Value of Studentized Range: 4.52881 

Minimun Significant Difference: 12.39967 

Treatments with the same letter are not significantly different.

      yield groups
oo 36.90000      a
ff 36.33333     ab
cc 24.40000     bc
fc 12.86667      c

However, I think the ideal is to save the result in an object and go giving print in the necessary parts, for example:

out <- HSD.test(model,"virus", group=TRUE)

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