I’m generating charts and the data comes through a database query.
These dice are played in a two-position array.
In the "Labels" Script that should return the name of the vendors, in the case they are in the second position of the array [1]
And in "date" you must return the values, which in this case are in the first position of the array [0].
But if I keep both information the screen goes blank, if I just put one of them or names or values works.
Would anyone know how to make it work?
<title>Bar Chart</title>
<script src="chart_master/dist/Chart.bundle.js"></script>
<script src="chart_master/Chart.js-master/samples/utils.js"></script>
canvas {
-moz-user-select: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
require_once './setaqueryDash.php';
require_once './conecta.php';
$resultado = ibase_query($CONEXAO_TERM, QueryDashDesafios(substr($loja_selecionada, 0,3),$data_dash));//executa query e armazena o resultado em um array
<div style="width: 100%;">
<canvas id="desafios"></canvas>
var color = Chart.helpers.color;
var horizontalBarChartData = {
labels: [
while ($dash1 = ibase_fetch_row($resultado)){
echo "'" .trim($dash1['1'])."',";
datasets: [{
label: 'Desafios',
backgroundColor: color(window.chartColors.red).alpha(0.5).rgbString(),
borderColor: window.chartColors.red,
borderWidth: 3,
data: [
while ($dash1 = ibase_fetch_row($resultado)){
echo trim($dash1['0']).',';
window.onload = function() {
var ctx = document.getElementById('desafios').getContext('2d');
window.myHorizontalBar = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'horizontalBar',
data: horizontalBarChartData,
options: {
// Elements options apply to all of the options unless overridden in a dataset
// In this case, we are setting the border of each horizontal bar to be 2px wide
elements: {
rectangle: {
borderWidth: 2
responsive: true,
legend: {
title: {
display: true,
text: 'Desafios'
Executes the
within yourwhile
, see what comes up.– Thiago Az
I was able to make the data appear on the screen, but, my query returns 4 records but only 3 appear on the screen, I put the code this way. while ($dash1 = ibase_fetch_row($result)){ echo Trim($dash1['0']). ','; } I can’t understand why only 3 of the 4 records appear
– Alexandre Prezzi
@Alexandreprezzi put this information in your question. All the details you can put there are important to finding a solution.
– João Martins
@Joãomartins changed the question, see if it was clearer and if you need more information let me know. Thanks
– Alexandre Prezzi