What’s the difference between Vue and Vue-cli


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What’s the difference between VUE.JS for VUE-cli. Is there any difference? I honestly couldn’t find the difference.

  • Vue.JS is a framework, while Vue CLI is a tool for creating new applications that use the Vue framework. There are two things completely different.

  • One thing that might help, the CLI means Command Line Interface which, in en-BR, Command Line Interface. These are commands executed from a terminal, which can, for example, create a component (with all the necessary files and base code) create the production build, create a local server for testing, etc

2 answers


Vue-cli is a tool to generate applications/projects. Run the vue-cli will ask you to choose tools to use in the project that the vue-cli will create, and depending on what you choose you get a complete directory structure, everything configured and ready to develop the Vue.js application.

Vue.js is a Javascript library, (almost) a language (*) with which the project is made, the vue-cli accelerates the steps necessary for you to program in Vus/Javascript. To use Vue.js you don’t need to use Vue-cli, but it helps because it avoids you having to configure compiler, code checkers (Eslint), dependencies and decide folder structures.

(*) - Vue.js is not a language, it is a library made in Javascript, but allows to use the same syntax file similar to HTML (mustache), CSS and Javascript. It is a library written in Javascript, with a way to program and organize own and own reactivity mechanisms.


Vuejs is a front-end framework that facilitates and accelerates development for web applications, it is written in Javascript and has a great community.

Vue CLI is a command line tool made by the Vue community to facilitate even more the initialization of a new Vue application, with it we can generate our application from official templates (including integration with webpack, etc.)decreasing the time of environment configuration.


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