Integration with SIGEP Post


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I need to integrate with the SIGEP Post API just to generate the tags. I am using the ready-made Github module (

It makes the connection normally, but the return that the Post Office gives is "Could not get the requested tags."

I asked the staff of the Post Office and they informed that it is because it is no longer possible to request only the labels, being necessary the following integrations before:

  • Check the status of the card
  • Request contract/card details
  • And only then request the labels

The funny thing is that the model that the Github module has doesn’t do any of that, and the template site makes it look like they connect directly.

Could someone help me in how I can do?

  • git in question has a functional example (which is working). tried to download and run in your environment?

  • Yes, I tested the 3 examples that come in the package, and the 3 return the same result.

3 answers


I appreciate the help, but I’ve come up with a solution of my own.

If interested, follow the class below.

The class connects mentioned (and related to the class by composition in the constructor method) is my authorship and is only for connection to the database. (Details about her can be seen here: banco-de-dados-phpmysql/516582278382242)

In the method getData() the data of the database are checked and if the store in question bought the integration package with SIGEP ($this->lojaAuthorized).

Only this part is that you will have to adapt if you want to make use of this class.

* SIGEP WEB - Geração de etiquetas
* @author TMW E-commerce Solutions

require_once __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'conecta.class.php';

class Sigep
        SIGEP = ''; # API Url

        $soap,                  # conexão soap
        $result,                # resultado das pesquisas
        $pdo,                   # conexão com PDO
        $dadosCliente,          # dados do cliente junto ao SIGEP
        $servicos = array(),    # servicos disponiveis
        $cnpj = NULL;           # CNPJ do cliente

        $erro = '',                 # erros no processamento
        $sql = '',                  # execuções de sql
        $lojaAutorizada = false,    # autoriza o processamento?
        $servicoConectado = false;  # possui todos os dados?

    * Método Construtor
    public function __construct() 
        $this->pdo = new Conecta('sigep');


    * Verifica dados
    * @access private
    private function getData( $registerSql = true )
        // Busca os dados do cliente se estiverem ativos
            'where' => 'sig_ativo = 1',
            'oneRow' => true
        $this->dadosCliente = $this->pdo->execute();
        if ( $registerSql ) $this->sql = $this->pdo->sql;

        // Cliente está ativo?
        if( ! isset( $this->dadosCliente->sig_ativo ) || $this->dadosCliente->sig_ativo != 1 ):

            $this->lojaAutorizada = false;
            $this->erro = 'Loja não autorizada';    


            // Se está ativo, inicializa o serviço
            $this->lojaAutorizada = true;


    * Inicializa o serviço
    * @access public
    private function startService()
        // Loja autorizada?
        if ( $this->lojaAutorizada ):

                $this->soap = new SoapClient('');

                // Verifica Cartão de Postagem
                $soapArgs = array(
                    'numeroCartaoPostagem'  => $this->dadosCliente->sig_cartao,
                    'usuario'               => $this->dadosCliente->sig_user,
                    'senha'                 => $this->dadosCliente->sig_pass

                // Resultados possíveis de $result->return: Normal | Cancelado
                $this->result = $this->soap->getStatusCartaoPostagem( $soapArgs );        

            } catch( Exception $e ) {

                $this->erro = 'Erro ao verificar cartão de postagem: ' . $e->getMessage();
                $this->servicoConectado = false;



                if( $this->result->return == 'Normal' ):

                    // Busca os dados do Cliente, incluindo o código dos serviços de postagem
                    $soapArgs = array(
                        'idContrato'       => $this->dadosCliente->sig_contrato,
                        'idCartaoPostagem' => $this->dadosCliente->sig_cartao,
                        'usuario'          => $this->dadosCliente->sig_user,
                        'senha'            => $this->dadosCliente->sig_pass

                    // Retorna os serviços disponíveis para o cliente, bem como alguns dados como CNPJ
                    $this->result = $this->soap->buscaCliente( $soapArgs );

                    // Pegando CNPJ e confirmando a existência dos dados    
                    $this->cnpj = $this->result->return->cnpj;    
                    if ( $this->cnpj != '' && count( $this->result->return->contratos->cartoesPostagem->servicos ) > 1 ):

                        // Pegando todos os códigos de serviço
                        foreach( $this->result->return->contratos->cartoesPostagem->servicos as $servico )
                            $this->servicos[ $servico->codigo * 1 ] = $servico->id * 1;

                        $this->servicoConectado = true;

                        throw new Exception( 'Não foi possível localizar o cliente' );

                    throw new Exception( 'Serviço não conectado' );

            } catch( Exception $e ) {

                $this->erro = 'Erro ao pegar serviços disponíveis: ' . $e->getMessage();
                $this->servicoConectado = false;



    * Gera Etiquetas - retorna um array com as etiquetas geradas
    * @access public
    * @param integer $service   Servicço dos correios conforme tabela ( Ex.: PAC = 41106 )
    * @param integer $qtde      Quantidade de etiquetas
    public function getLabels( $service, $qtde )
        if ( $this->lojaAutorizada ):

            try {

                // Verifica se o serviço informado está disponível
                if ( ! count( $this->servicos ) > 1 || ! $this->servicos[ $service ] > 0 )
                    throw new Exception( "Não foi possível identificar o serviço $service" );

                // Solicita as etiquetas
                $soapArgs = array(
                    'tipoDestinatario' => 'C',
                    'identificador'    => $this->cnpj,
                    'idServico'        => $this->servicos[ $service ],
                    'qtdEtiquetas'     => $qtde,
                    'usuario'          => $this->dadosCliente->sig_user,
                    'senha'            => $this->dadosCliente->sig_pass

                // Retorna a primeira e a última da sequencia de etiquetas reservadas, sem o dígito verificador
                $this->result = $this->soap->solicitaEtiquetas( $soapArgs );

                list( $etiquetaIni, $etiquetaFim ) = explode( ',', $this->result->return );

            } catch( Exception $e ) {

                $this->erro = 'Erro ao solicitar etiquetas: ' . $e->getMessage();
                return array();


            try {

                // Se pegou as etiquetas
                if( $etiquetaIni != '' && $etiquetaFim != '' ):

                    // Monta sequencia de etiquetas
                    $umaEtiqueta = ( $etiquetaIni == $etiquetaFim );

                    // Montando sequência
                    if( $umaEtiqueta ):
                       $etiquetas = $etiquetaIni;

                        // Padrão de etiquetas: 
                        // Qq/ coisa que não número com Zeros iniciais caso haja + Números + Qq/ coisa que não número
                        $regex = '/^([^0-9]+0*)([0-9]+)([^0-9]+)$/i';
                        // Caracteres inicias
                        $padraoIni = preg_replace( $regex, '$1', $etiquetaIni );
                        // Caracteres finais
                        $padraoFim = preg_replace( $regex, '$3', $etiquetaIni );
                        // Apenas números da etiqueta de início
                        $numInicial = preg_replace( $regex, '$2', $etiquetaIni );
                        // Apenas números da etiqueta de fim
                        $numFinal = preg_replace( $regex, '$2', $etiquetaFim );

                        $etiquetas = array();
                        for( $x = $numInicial; $x <= $numFinal; $x++ )
                            // Cada etiqueta é formado pelos caracteres inicias, número atual da sequencia, caracteres finais
                            $etiquetas[] = $padraoIni . $x . $padraoFim;

                    // Envia sequencia de etiquetas para solicitar dígitos verificadores
                    $soapArgs = array(
                        'etiquetas' => $etiquetas,       
                        'usuario'   => $this->dadosCliente->sig_user,
                        'senha'     => $this->dadosCliente->sig_pass

                    // Retorna o dígito verificador para cada etiqueta informada
                    $this->result = $this->soap->geraDigitoVerificadorEtiquetas( $soapArgs );

                    // Pegou o dígito verificador?
                        // Se tem mais de uma etiqueta
                        ( is_array( $this->result->return ) && count( $this->result->return ) > 0 ) || 
                        // Se tem apenas uma etiqueta
                        ( $this->result->return > 0 && $umaEtiqueta ) 
                        // Gera o número final das etiquetas
                        if ( ! $umaEtiqueta ):
                            // Gera dígito para cada etiqueta
                            $etiquetasFinais = array();
                            foreach( $this->result->return as $index => $digito )
                                $etiquetasFinais[] = str_replace( ' ', $digito, $etiquetas[ $index ] );
                            // Gera dígito para unica etiqueta
                            $etiquetasFinais[] = str_replace( ' ', $this->result->return, $etiquetas );

                        // Retorna as etiquetas
                        return $etiquetasFinais;

                        throw new Exception( 'Não foi possível gerar o dígito verificador');
                        return array();

                    throw new Exception( 'Não foi possível gerar as etiquetas' );

            } catch( Exception $e ) {

                $this->erro = 'Erro ao solicitar dígito verificador: ' . $e->getMessage();
                return array();

            return array();

    * Pega o usuário
    * @access public
    public function getUser()
        if ( $this->lojaAutorizada )      
            return $this->dadosCliente->sig_user;
            return NULL;

    * Pega a senha
    * @access public
    public function getPass()
        if ( $this->lojaAutorizada )      
            return $this->dadosCliente->sig_pass;
            return NULL;

    * Pega o número do cartão de postagem
    * @access public
    public function getCard()
        if ( $this->lojaAutorizada )      
            return $this->dadosCliente->sig_cartao;
            return NULL;

    * Pega o número do contrato
    * @access public
    public function getContract()
        if ( $this->lojaAutorizada )      
            return $this->dadosCliente->sig_contrato;
            return NULL;

    * Pega os serviços disponíveis
    * @access public
    public function getServices()
        if ( $this->lojaAutorizada )      
            return $this->servicos;
            return array();

    * Modifica os dados
    * @access public
    * @param string $contract
    * @param string $card
    * @param string $user
    * @param string $pass
    public function setClient( $contract, $card, $user, $pass )
        if ( $this->lojaAutorizada ):

            // Tenta atualizar os dados
                'type' => 'UPDATE',
                'campos' => array(
                    'sig_user' => $user,
                    'sig_pass' => $pass,
                    'sig_cartao' => $card,
                    'sig_contrato' => $contract
            // Se bão atualizou, retorna falso
            if( ! $this->pdo->execute() ):
                $this->erro = $this->pdo->erro;
                $this->sql = $this->pdo->sql;
                return false;
            $this->sql = $this->pdo->sql;

            // Atualização feita com sucesso, pega novamente os dados
            $this->getData( false );
            return true;

            return false;


Recently they had to do this integration in one of the products here, I even started to develop a library (which will be available on Github), but I haven’t had time to finish. I looked at this library at the time and even thought about using it, but I ran into this same problem, it seems to me that it follows the old version of the SIGEP API of the post office, what I suggest to you is, I can get the code I started to develop and putOn my Github and you help me to develop, either take the manuals below and develop yourself or try to implement within this ready-made library.

  • Thanks for the feedback. I’m developing from the manual. At first it seems I got it. However, I will still wait to see if anyone has a solution to the above library.


It is possible that you are passing some wrong information to PHP Sigep.
Please post the code you are using to generate the tags so I can help you.

Anyway, it’s important to highlight two things:

There are other examples besides the one mentioned above. You find them all here:

  • No, no. That’s not the problem. The problem is that the project does not make the complete path. In the examples in the cited url, you simply ask for the tags. Before, however, it is necessary to obtain the status of the card, then take the services available for the contract, and only then the post office allows the reservation of labels. This information is from the mail itself. A simple solution for those who just want to generate labels, is in the class I posted above. But thanks for your help.

  • 1

    Szag-Ot, we do not make this way and we have not had the problem you are trying. Can you show me where it is documented that this should be done? With the documentation in hand we can update PHP Sigep.

  • In the manual (flowchart on page 9). In email conversation they reported this. At first I said, full of reason, I did not, and I also indicated the VCS model site ( that, by the way, it is now in error, saying that this site was done the direct way and worked. They informed that it is not possible to make the direct call without going through these processes and informed the manual page where it shows the complete path to request the tags (p. 9). So I made my own code with the so-called methods in the order they inform and voila!

  • (See how my test code works in

  • 1

    Cool, @Szag-Ot. I’ll look at the manual and make the necessary adjustments. Thanks for the Feedback.

  • I gave a Fork on the project and uploaded the latest version of the manual... ( By the way, congratulations on the initiative in the project. It is very complete.

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