I have a button in a form that is responsible for generating a report, but I need this report to be generated in another page. The button is mounted as follows.
<a title=\"Gerar relatório\" href=\"'+$('#base-url').val()+'/relatorio/gerar_relatorio/'+v.cod+'\"></a>
And it’s working normal, I just need it to open a new tab instead of running in it.
Puts a
on the tag<a>
.– Sam
Got an answer from you about that, didn’t you @Sam ? Pass the link to him.
– Andrei Coelho
Here: https://answall.com/questions/349963/diferen%C3%A7a-entre-Blank-self-e-Blank-self
– Andrei Coelho
@Andreicoelho That’s right!
– Sam
Personal thank you.
– Guilherme Rigotti