How to set the Navigation View menu by code?


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For now I’m setting the menu through xml, this way:


However I want before setting the menu to do a check with if, for this I would need to set it by code, for example... if(if) user was equal to "administrator" open a menu other than "users".

follows my code for the time being:

NavigationView navigationView = (NavigationView) findViewById(;

How do I set the navigationview menu by code?

  • Are you creating one from scratch or using the Layout generated by Android Studio itself? I suggest you create a new Activity of type Navigation Menu. Automatically the code will be generated and the Layout that calls this menu. Thus, you would make a second Layout and validate the user, depending on its validation inflates the user layout if it does not inflate the Admin layout.

  • I’ve seen some ways to do this without having to make a layout, and actually this is exactly what I’m looking for, as I do to set only the different menu and not the layout.

  • Even if you can create using the same, I believe it would not be worth it because it would have to validate also the fields that will appear for one and another.

  • I thought of only changing which menu file I will use depending on the user, for example. If you were an administrator - menu_nav_adm.xml and if you were a normal user - menu_nav_usuarios.xml

  • Exactly, that’s what I tried to say in the first comment, I ended up expressing myself badly hehe, but the idea is this same.

  • I managed to do here, I went to take a look at the doc and got it. I used the if normally and if it was true it inflated a type of menu. Code used: navigationView.getMenu(). clear(); navigationView.inflateMenu(;

  • If you want to write an answer so I can accept it, you can do it!

  • Show, puts the excerpt of the solution as answer, becomes clearer and objective in this way. =)

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