How to turn an Eloquent Collection into a simple array?


Viewed 329 times


I am making a consultation to the bank and is being returned a Collection... How do I stop instead of having to call $role->role to get the column value, get the same behavior by calling only $role?

Current code:

$roles = Role::all('role');

foreach ($roles as $role) {
    Gate::define($role->role, function ($user) use ($role) {
        return $user->roles->contains('role', $role->role);
  • Try Role::all('role')->toArray();

  • I didn’t understand your doubt?

1 answer


You can serialize Models and Collections via the command toArray()

In your case I’d be: $roles = Role::all('role')->toArray();

But turning your Collection into array will not solve the problem as you expect, as the scroll you access ($role->role) in fact it is the column of your bank, within your object. The solution would get only the value of the field you want:

$roles = Role::pluck('role')->all()

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