selected option


Viewed 68 times


I have a code that returns data from the database in an option, but I cannot make q the value registered in the database is selected. For example, the option will bring all registered neighborhoods in the neighborhood table. In this Option would like to, in addition to bring the neighborhood that belongs to the client, selected, also bring the neighborhood options to change the same, if necessary, according to the table Neighborhoods.

    <td id="content_editar"><label>Bairros:</label></td>
    <td id="content_editar">
    <select name="id_bairros" id="id_bairros">

      $identificador = $_GET['id'];

      $sql = "SELECT i.id_imagens, i.descricao, i.localizacao, i.observacao, b.nome AS bairro, FROM imagens AS i 
      INNER JOIN bairros AS b ON b.id_bairros = i.id_bairros 
      WHERE id_imagens = 'id'";

      $result_bairros = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
           while($row_bairros = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_bairros)){
echo '<option value="'.$row_bairros['id_bairros'].'">'.$row_bairros['nome'].'</option>';

Consulta de Bairros

Actually, it ended up not showing the whole code of the query. Follow the full code.

include "config.php";

$identificador = $_GET['id'];

$consulta_imagens = "SELECT * FROM imagens a
WHERE `id_imagens` = '$identificador'";

$resultado = mysqli_query($conn, $consulta_imagens);
while($linha = mysqli_fetch_array($resultado)){

$id_imagens = $linha['id_imagens'];
$descricao = $linha['descricao'];
$localizacao = $linha['localizacao'];
$observacao = $linha['observacao'];
$id_bairros = $linha['id_bairros'];
$id_rotulos = $linha['id_rotulos'];
$situacao = $linha['situacao'];


<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="pt-br">
    <meta content="text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" />
    <title>Edição de Imagens</title>

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/editar.css"/>

    <div id="main">

        include_once "topo.php"
        include_once "nav_on.php"

        <div id="editar_btn_imagens">
            <div id="editar1">
                <form action="processa_edita_imagens.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="editando_imagens" id="editando_imagens">
                <p><strong>EDITAR CAMPOS DA IMAGEM</strong></p>
                        <td id="content_editar"><input type="hidden" name="id_imagens" id="id_imagens" value="<?php echo "$id_imagens" ?> "/></td>
                        <td id="content_editar"><label>Descrição da Imagem:</label></td>
                        <td id="content_editar"><input type="text" name="descricao" id="descricao" value="<?php echo "$descricao" ?> "/></td>
                        <td id="content_editar"><label>Localização:</label></td>
                        <td id="content_editar"><input type="text" name="localizacao" id="localizacao" value="<?php echo "$localizacao" ?>"/></td>
                        <td id="content_editar"><label>Ponto de Referência:</label></td>
                        <td id="content_editar"><input type="text" name="observacao" id="observacao" value="<?php echo "$observacao" ?> "/></td>
                        <td id="content_editar"><label>Bairros:</label></td>
                        <td id="content_editar">
                            <select name="id_bairros" id="id_bairros">

                                $identificador = $_GET['id'];

                                $sql = "SELECT i.id_imagens, i.descricao, i.localizacao, i.observacao, b.nome AS bairro, FROM imagens AS i 
                                INNER JOIN bairros AS b ON b.id_bairros = i.id_bairros 
                                WHERE id_imagens = 'id'";
                                $result_bairros = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
                                while($row_bairros = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_bairros)){
                                    echo '<option value="'.$row_bairros['id_bairros'].' selected=selected">'.$row_bairros['nome'].'</option>';

                                    $busca_bairros = "SELECT * FROM bairros ORDER BY nome";
                                    $result_bairros = mysqli_query($conn, $busca_bairros);
                                    while($row_bairros = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_bairros)){
                                        echo '<option value="'.$row_bairros['id_bairros'].'">'.$row_bairros['nome'].'</option>';
                        <td id="content_editar"><label>Rótulos:</label></td>
                        <td id="content_editar">
                            <select name="id_rotulos" id="id_rotulos">
            $identificador = $_GET['id']; // dependendo de como está trabalhando pode twer que mudar para $_POST['id']

//Criar a query
            $sql = "SELECT i.id_imagens, i.descricao, i.localizacao, i.observacao, r.nome AS rotulo, i.arquivo, i.situacao FROM imagens AS i INNER JOIN rotulos AS r ON r.id_rotulos = i.id_rotulos ORDER BY i.descricao;";

// Executa a query
            $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);

            while($linha = mysqli_fetch_array($resultado)){
                echo '<option value="'.$linha['id_bairros'].'">'.$linha['nome'].'</option>';

            $busca_rotulos = "SELECT * FROM rotulos ORDER BY nome";
            $result_rotulos = mysqli_query($conn, $busca_rotulos);
            while($row_rotulos = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_rotulos)){
                echo '<option value="'.$row_rotulos['id_rotulos'].'">'.$row_rotulos['nome'].'</option>';
        <td id="checkbox"><label>Situação:</label></td>
        <td id="checkbox"><label>Ativo</label><input type="checkbox" name="situacao" value="1" checked="TRUE"></td>

       <td id="editar_btn_imagens"><input type="submit" name="salvar" id="salvar" value="Salvar" class="btn" /></td>
       include_once 'footer.php';
  • Make two queries. One taking the name of the neighborhood and the id of that client. Then make a query adding the rest of the neighborhoods

  • Try to increment your question by adding your html and where the value that should be selected comes from... Anyway, you can make two queries or a sub-query with logic to decide whether to select or not.

3 answers


Time to ride your select just check on each option if the ID of this neighborhood matches the ID that is in the record being edited, the code would look like this:

    $busca_bairros = "SELECT * FROM bairros ORDER BY nome";
    $result_bairros = mysqli_query($conn, $busca_bairros);
    while($row_bairros = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_bairros)){
        $selected = ($id_bairros == $row_bairros['id_bairros'])?' selected':'';
        echo '<option'.$selected.' value="'.$row_bairros['id_bairros'].'">'.$row_bairros['nome'].'</option>';

If the ID’s match, he’ll mark the option as selected.

  • Great Gabriel, perfect my arrival, worked right. Thank you very You. Thanks to all q were willing to help me.

  • 1

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Try it like this:

 $result_bairros = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
           while($row_bairros = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_bairros)){
<option value="'.$row_bairros['id_bairros'].'">echo $row_bairros['id_bairros']</option>;


You should make a query in the bank identifying what is the value to be selected. After just go checking in your while and add the selected should you find

// Consulta o registro que deve estar selecionado
//$sqlSelecionado = "select de acordo com seu identificador ..."
$selected       = mysqli_query($conn, $sqlSelecionado);

// Retorno de todos os bairros
$result_bairros = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);

while($row_bairros = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_bairros)){
    echo '<option value="'.$row_bairros['id_bairros'].'" '. ($selected['id_bairros'] == $row_bairros['id_bairros'] ? selected = "selected" : "") .'>'.$row_bairros['nome'].'</option>';

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