Check if a registered user in the bank has already registered Cpf


Viewed 173 times


Hello, guys I need to check in the bank if a logged in user already has registered Cpf and return if it is false or not.

I use codeigniter in the app. I’ll send you the codes. CONTROLLER:

public function check_cpf_doctor() { 
$check_result = $this->Doctor_model->checkCPFDoctor($_POST['doctor_id']);
  print json_encode($check_result);


public function checkCPFDoctor($id)
    $key = $this->config->item('encryption_key');

    $query = 


        return true;
        return false;


this model query is wrong and incomplete.

  • You have a button to check or you are arriving in Ajax?

2 answers


Using form_validation in his Controller it is possible to validate if a value is unique, stating the table and searched value:

$this->form_validation->set_rules('cpf', 'Cpf', 'required|is_unique[doctors.cpf]');

To catch the errors just use the call validation_errors();

NOTE: exchange Doctors for the name of your table, if this is not its name.


You can do it this way:

// Controller
public function check_cpf_doctor() { 
    $check_result = $this->Doctor_model->checkCPFDoctor($this->input->post('doctor_id'));
        echo "Este CPF já está cadastrado";
    } else {
        echo "CPF não cadastrado";

// Model
public function checkCPFDoctor(){
    $this->db->where('cpf', $this->input->post('doctor_id'));
    $check = $this->db->get('table')->num_rows();
    return $check;

In this case, we return with num_rows(), in case of return 1, it is already registered, if not, it is not registered.

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