How to hide top bar (title and logo) from Youtube iframe


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After the Youtube API Update in September, the "showinfo=0" command stopped working in iframes. Is there any way to hide this bar from the top (Title, logo, share and view option later)?

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Another question is: Is it possible to insert a class within the iframe structure (after #Document) or insert a css code line? If so, how could you do it with jQuery?

Code iframe:

 <iframe width="100%" height="500" src=";theme=dark&amp;autohide=2&amp;modestbranding=1&amp;showinfo=0&amp;rel=0&amp;iv_load_policy=3" showinfo="0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" class="lazyloaded" data-was-processed="true"></iframe>
  • If you put the code in the question it would make it a lot easier. ;)

  • I updated the question, I entered the source code of the iframe.

  • I couldn’t find a way to hide it, and in the documentation tb does not have this option... The way I got it was to put the video inside a div and hide the piece of it that has this information, but the way I did the top of the video loses a few pixels... Like having this image of you as an example, it’s like I’m hiding this part of the red court, and then I cut off a piece of the woman’s head, you know. If I want to set an example for you to see

  • You have to be careful with this because modifying the appearance of the player other than by the API may cause a breach problem with the Youtube Terms.

  • This is a big problem @Sam.

  • @hugocsl, your tip is a good one, but also a problem. As the site I am inserting the videos are from the organization’s own projects, it will not be legal to cut. The big question is that I just need to hide the title. I thought I’d try to upload the video thumbnail and keep it on top,?

  • Face if you don’t want to cut vc tb can put another element on top of this iframe, like a black bar with some text or something like that, even then a part of the top of the video would be hidden behind that bar. On the "miniature" look at this answer, you may have something that interests you If you’re not interested in video statistics, vc tb can upload the video to Youtube and not put a title, or put title lap a point "." or a "-" if Youtube allows

  • @hugocsl, put an element on top, only if it is the video thumbnail, but it is almost impossible to do it automatically. You could use the thumbnails generated by Youtube, but there is no way to know which is the highest resolution of the thumbnail that will be available, which impacts when setting up PHP to generate it automatically. : ( PS: these videos (id’s) will be included in a specific area of Wordpres and later loaded with the structure saved in php.

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