Doubt/Problem With Webservice on Android


Viewed 77 times


The return on my Webservice is like this:

"Hello! I’m not interested in your service. My name is Administrator B. Please contact me at (s) phone(s) (12) 3456-7891; (13) 21321-3213. My email is Adm@adm. Sincerely, n Administrator B"

the right thing would be:

Hello! I am interested in your job advertisement cvbcvbaaa. Please contact me at (s) phone(s) (12) 3456-7891; (13) 21321-3213. My email is adm@adm. Sincerely, Administrator B

How could I make it right??

I’m getting it from Webservice

private void makeJsonObjReq(){
        int id = ((AppController) this.getApplication()).getID();
        JsonArrayRequest req = new JsonArrayRequest(Const.URL_JSON_ARRAY_Notificacao + "/"+id,
                new Response.Listener<JSONArray>() {
                    public void onResponse(JSONArray response) {
                        Log.d(TAG, response.toString());

                        int aJsonint = 0;
                        String aJsonString;

                        itens = new ArrayList<ItemListaNotificacao>();

                        // Recupera seu adapter

                        try {
                            JSONArray jsonarray = response;
                            JSONObject jsonobj;

                            for (int i=0; i<jsonarray.length(); i++){
                                jsonobj = jsonarray.getJSONObject(i);

                                JsonData = jsonobj.getString("dataNotificacao");
                                JsonAssunto = jsonobj.getString("assunto");
                                JsonVisualizado = jsonobj.getString("visualizado");
                                JsonTexto = jsonobj.getString("texto");

                                itens.add(new ItemListaNotificacao(JsonData, JsonAssunto,JsonTexto));
                                //ItemListView item[i] = new ItemListView(JsonData, JsonAssunto);
                            adapterListView = new AdapterListNotificacao(getApplicationContext(), itens);

                            //Define o Adapter
                            // Habilitar novamente a notificacao
                            // Notifica o Spinner de que houve mudanca no modelo
                        } catch (JSONException e) {
                new Response.ErrorListener() {
                    public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
                        VolleyLog.d(TAG, "Error: " + error.getMessage());

                        System.out.println("Deu ERROR PQP");

        // Adding request to request queue

  • Is the return message generated in the web service (server) correct? Or only in the reception (client) of the data this occurs?

  • The one from Webservice to return as Json and is coming Wrong ja.

  • If message comes from the database is likely then whatever the character pattern of the database may be incompatible with the recorded data standard.

1 answer


If you are using the Entityutils.toString() method then you can define the encoding of the message. eg:

string data = EntityUtils.toString(<resposta do web service>,HTTP.UTF_8);

being of the type Httpentity

Anyway it is better to put here the parts of the code that are relevant.

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