Put WS Restful Project into Production


Viewed 847 times


I’m a beginner in Java and these . jar, . War, etc businesses are news to me. I did my first Restful Webservice project and added 2 *.jars, Gson and JDBC.postgres.

I want to put into production (on a server that will be Tomcat) to use it from another (s) application(s). How to proceed?

It is a web java project and contains only a connection class, an entity class and the restful webservice class from the standards. It was developed in Netbeans 8.0. And I didn’t use Maven, which I don’t know what it is, as I said I was Noob in java.

  • What kind is your project? To make things easier, it needs to be a Dynamic Web Project. You’re using Maven?

  • 2

    How so "type"? It is a web java project and contains only a connection class, an entity class and the restful webservice class from the standards. It was developed in Netbeans 8.0. And I didn’t use Maven, which I don’t know what it is, as I said I was Noob in java.

  • The process for putting into production on an application server depends on which one you are using. In your case, what is it? (e.g.: Glassfish, Tomcat, Jboss, etc..)

  • +Luídne, The server will be Tomcat.

  • will depend on your server, we have several Tomcat, glasfish...

  • The process also depends on the hosting service you have. For example, the Jelastic process differs from one where you hire a dedicated server. What kind of service you hired?

  • It’s getting hard huh, hehehe... I’m pretty sure it’s dedicated. It’s not mine, it’s from a colleague you let use to test my applications.

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1 answer


Dude, I don’t know if this can help you, but there’s a tutorial where I explain how to have a webservice (json) project in a java project using Maven. The tutorial also explains how to configure Tomcat and connection in the database with Hibernate (database access framework that makes this communication much easier).

What is the Maven?

A brief explanation to get you into the knowledge of what Maven is, I won’t go into too much detail. Think that you need a JAR in your project, which is your case, Maven is responsible for downloading this JAR for you and packaging in your project, it runs your tests, generates your WAR, among other things that I will not go into.

Start with the basics of it, it is a good for you to enter the Java world, today Maven is very used in the market.

In your case as you are starting, think of it only to download the Jars and all the dependencies that your JAR needs.

Follows: http://wp.me/p2DZEL-1Y

  • Thank you +Fabio, I have not yet read but as soon as I read I will return.

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