I’m a beginner in Java and these . jar, . War, etc businesses are news to me. I did my first Restful Webservice project and added 2 *.jars, Gson and JDBC.postgres.
I want to put into production (on a server that will be Tomcat) to use it from another (s) application(s). How to proceed?
It is a web java project and contains only a connection class, an entity class and the restful webservice class from the standards. It was developed in Netbeans 8.0. And I didn’t use Maven, which I don’t know what it is, as I said I was Noob in java.
What kind is your project? To make things easier, it needs to be a Dynamic Web Project. You’re using Maven?
– Keyo
How so "type"? It is a web java project and contains only a connection class, an entity class and the restful webservice class from the standards. It was developed in Netbeans 8.0. And I didn’t use Maven, which I don’t know what it is, as I said I was Noob in java.
– LeoFelipe
The process for putting into production on an application server depends on which one you are using. In your case, what is it? (e.g.: Glassfish, Tomcat, Jboss, etc..)
– Luídne
+Luídne, The server will be Tomcat.
– LeoFelipe
will depend on your server, we have several Tomcat, glasfish...
– André Martins
The process also depends on the hosting service you have. For example, the Jelastic process differs from one where you hire a dedicated server. What kind of service you hired?
– Luídne
It’s getting hard huh, hehehe... I’m pretty sure it’s dedicated. It’s not mine, it’s from a colleague you let use to test my applications.
– LeoFelipe