C# - Know location of database file dynamically


Viewed 143 times


I am making a program using C# in WPF, and I need to access the database dynamically, in this case I am using a .mdf.file. In code I have connectionString like this:

string stringConexao = @"Data Source=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename=E:\PAP\Trabalhos\Trabalhos\Trabalhos.mdf; Integrated Security=True";

I want to replace "E: PAP Jobs Jobs Jobs.mdf" with a dynamic way to find the database, so I can then use the program outside my computer.

The first " Jobs " corresponds to where is the "Jobs.sln", the other folder "Jobs" and "Packages". In the following folder is where you have all . Cs, . xaml, etc.

One of the solutions I found was to put the database inside the /Debug, however I believe it is not the appropriate way to do this.

From now on, thank you.

  • bully. send the paths. of the files I asked for. the complete path so that I know le forward to the best way

3 answers



'|DataDirectory|\' is the folder in which the 'aplicativo.exe' is.

CASE 1: '\aplicativo.exe' and '\Trabalhos.mdf' are in the same folder
THAT IS TO SAY: 'E:\PAP\aplicativo.exe' and 'E:\PAP\Trabalhos.mdf'


CASE 2: '\aplicativo.exe' and '\Trabalhos.mdf' are in different folders
THAT IS TO SAY: 'E:\PAP\aplicativo.exe' and 'E:\PAP\Trabalhos\Trabalhos\Trabalhos.mdf'


SUMMING UP: Use this code. this code. that works.

string stringConexao = @"Data Source=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\Trabalhos\Trabalhos\Trabalhos.mdf; Integrated Security=True";
  • If I put as you said, you will search inside the bin folder Debug Jobs Jobs Jobs.mdf, which in this case does not exist. And I have the database before Debug bin. I don’t know if it is the proper location but inside the Debug bin whenever I turn on the Program the data is erased

  • Perhaps the most appropriate way to ask this question would be. Where the database should be located?

  • Files in separate partitions?

  • As I had the database, inside Debug, it erased every time I started the program again, however I have already been told what I had to do for it not to delete, ie now when using AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\Trabalhos.mdf; already solves the problem. Thank you and sorry for the confusion! :)

  • I’ve been through it. rs rs rs worst I’ve been through it in rs rs production environment


Hello, the answer is simple.

Make sure that this database is always present in the root directory of the project executable. So, you can use the line of code that I will show below to get the location of the project folder: Application.StartupPath;

I hope I’ve helped!!

  • I know that Application.StartupPath works in Winforms, however I am using WPF, in which such a command does not exist.

  • Sorry, I have no experience with WPF, I thought that by being part of . Net Framework also had this command available.


I searched and found 2 ways to find the root directory of a WPF application.

You can do it like this:


Or so:


I hope this time I’ve helped! :)

  • Yes, now checking that produces an identical result to |DataDirectory|. Thank you very much!

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