How to use materialize features in php with javascript


Viewed 215 times


is it possible to use materialize in a php file next to javascript ? on the return of a php function I want to issue a Materialize.Oast(); however I’m not succeeding, I already referenced the file that has all css and materialize calls in php and even then it didn’t work, I’m trying to do it this way in php file.

<?php include("../head.php"); // chamadas css e materialize

  echo '<script>Materialize.toast(" teste ", 4500, "blue rounded");</script>'

1 answer


You can do this with session variables.

File with its function:


// Inicia a sessão
// Define a variável de sessão com o título do alerta
$_SESSION['toast']['title'] = 'Teste';
// Redireciona para a index
header('Location: index.php');

index php.


    // Verifica se a variável existe
    <?php if (isset($_SESSION['toast']['title'])) { ?>
        Materialize.toast(<?= $_SESSION['toast']['title'] ?>)

        // Destrói a variável
        <?php unset($_SESSION['toast']['title']); ?>
    <?php } ?>

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