How do I make the infinite scroll not load the same values again?


Viewed 88 times


I have the following code:

 <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>  

      $(document).ready(function() {
        $("#content").scroll(function() { 
          if ($(this).scrollTop() + $(this).height() == $(this).get(0).scrollHeight) {

        var lastID =  $('.carga-mais').attr ('lastID');

                type: "POST" ,

                  referenciageral: lastID
                 url: "getData.php" ,

                 beforeSend : function() {
                success : function (html) {

And a table that shows some data:

<table >
    <thead class ="headerr">


$serverName = "servidor"; 
$connectioninfo = array( "Database"=>"banco", "UID"=>"usuario", "PWD"=>"senha");
  $conn = sqlsrv_connect($serverName, $connectioninfo);

  $query = "select  * FROM lista2 order by cast(referenciageral as int) offset 0 rows fetch next 40 rows only ";

  $output=sqlsrv_query($conn,$query) or die(print_r(sqlsrv_errors()));


 <tbody class="oi">


    while($fetch = sqlsrv_fetch_array($output)) 

      $postID  =  $fetch["referenciageral"]; 


      <?php echo  '
    <tr id="linha" style="background-color:'.$fetch['cordefundo'].'; color:'.$fetch['cordetexto'].'; ">';?> 

  <div id="list-item" class = "list-item"> <h4> <?php  echo  $fetch['referenciageral']; ?> </h4> </div>

<?php echo '
       </tr>'; ?> 


    <div  class = "carga-mais"  lastID ="<?php  echo  $postID ;  ?> " style = "display: none;">


And in the getData file that is the url of my ajax request I have the code :

 require  'dbConfig.php' ; 

  // echo $_POST["referenciageral"]; 


if (!empty($_POST["referenciageral"])) { 

// Incluir arquivo de configuração do banco de dados 
require  'dbConfig.php' ; 

// Obtém o último ID 
$lastID  =  $_POST["referenciageral"];//$_POST['referenciageral']; 

// Limite na exibição de dados 
$showLimit  =  40 ; 

// Obtém todas as linhas exceto já exibidas 
$queryAll  = "SELECT COUNT (*) as num_rows FROM lista2  WHERE referenciageral>".$lastID." " ; 
$rowAll  =  sqlsrv_query($conn,$queryAll); 
 while($fetch = sqlsrv_fetch_array($rowAll)) {
    $allNumRows = $fetch['num_rows'];


// Obtém linhas por limite, exceto as já exibidas 
$query  =  "SELECT * FROM lista2 ORDER BY cast(referenciageral as int) offset ".$lastID." rows fetch next ".$showLimit." rows only" ; 
$output = sqlsrv_query($conn,$query);
if ( $allNumRows  > 0) { 
    while ($linha  =  sqlsrv_fetch_array($output)) {  
        $postID  =  $linha["referenciageral"];


<div  class = "list-item" > <h4> <?php  echo  $linha['referenciageral']; ?> </H4> </div>
 <?php  }  ?> 
<?php  if ( $allNumRows  >  $showLimit ) {  ?> 
    <div  class = "load-more"  lastID = " <?php  echo  $postID ;  ?> "  style = " display: nenhum; " >
        <img  src = "icones/Loading_icon.gif" />
 <?php  } else {  ?> 
    <div  class = "carga-mais"  lastID = "<?php  echo  $postID ;  ?>" >

 <?php  } 

He loads the 40 items, then makes the ajax request and loads from 41 to 80 but then when I arrive at the end of the page he makes the ajax request again and returns to show the numbers 41 to 80 again instead of showing from 81 to 120, since I put a limit of 40 in 40 lines.

  • I know you do not answer your question but I use this tutorial and mount the scroll this way

  • @Did Jasarorion take a look over the code... it makes only two load_first and load_second loads or more times? I haven’t tested it yet, but depending on your answer I’m willing to change my code

  • it loads while having data in the database . look at step 4 it loads 8 db entries that are larger than last id

  • I cannot implement in my code @Jasarorion

  • If no one help you I try later I’m in the job now :(

  • @Jasarorion Thanks!

  • @Jasarorion no one answered yet, if you can help me thank you very much!

  • sorry I’m on a big project I can’t do the Cod you need

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