Have you been in conflict with Bootstrap?


Viewed 140 times


I am implemented Vuejs in an Laravel5.7 mine and I realized that this occurring apparently a conflict with almost all my Nav-tabs, because when I change tab in Nav-tabs, regardless of how many tabs there are, he does not take the class "show" from the tabs that I am leaving, just take out the "active", so my tabs get all the content together as I go by.
I am currently using functions with jquery to manually remove the "show" class as I go through, but I don’t think it’s cool for me to go through it all over my project.

Someone’s been through it and knows how to fix it?

NOTE: Before I started to implement Vue this did not occur, it usually worked the change of tabs.
OBS²: I realized now that I do not know why, even using the same version of bootstrap, in the project without Vue, the class "show" is not added in the active tab, but in the project with Vue is, and a manual function is required to remove it.

  • Guy if you are indexing the jQuery CDN right from the link offered by Bootstrap may be that of same stick... At least I noticed a few days ago that now they indicate the version Slim there src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.slim.min.js" this brings some things. Check if this is the version that is in your project. If you try to replace it with src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js" to see if it solves. It’s just a test I’m not sure if it will solve there...

  • Hello, I am not using CDN, I use the downloaded files and I took it directly from the jquery site, and the strange thing is that my two projects are using the same versions of BOOTSTRAP and JQUERY and even then with Vue adds the class "show" and SEM Vue does not add and therefore it is not necessary to remove functions manually

  • Face is "very" against indicated use jQuery with Vue, Angular, React, etc... Pq does not use Bootstrap for Vue?

  • I found it kind of complicated to move and install and I would have to redo the styling of the entire site using Vue’s own bootstrap?

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