How to make a Submit that Zera an accountant


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I don’t understand javascript and I don’t know how to search to make a button that when pressed zeroes my counter that is a global variable

<form id="btn" method="get">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="zerar"onclick="submit();">
    function ssubmit(){

then he calls another function that resets the variable "in" where I put to call the other function?

  • What variable? Could you provide a slightly more detailed code example?

  • hi, so the variable is even a normal integer - >int num = 3; , and it sits there at the top of the code.

  • i am working with Andy on a college project, and are 3 blocks the entries, html, and counter function + reset

1 answer


Do you really need the button to be a Submit? Because you can control the click on any element for that. Anyway, it follows.

<form id="btn" method="get">
  <input type="submit" name="submit" value="zerar" onclick="ssubmit();">
    function ssubmit(){
         num = 0; //assumindo que seja num a variável global zerada
         document.getElementById("btn".submit()); //procede o submit normal do formulário (isso vai recarregar a página, daí perde o sentido o código).

Already in case you want instead of submit, happen only the function call, you can do:

<button onclick="ssubmit();">Zerar</button>
    function ssubmit(){
        num = 0; //de novo, assumindo que num seja a variável global
        outraFuncao(); // chama uma outra função para fazer seja lá o que você quiser fazer

If I haven’t answered your question, explain better what you need.

  • Hi friend, I gave another way, work with Rduino is very confusing and I have other work to do u.u I made a function that reads the url and when this happens enters my if and Zera, there are some bugs, but ta working xD Thanks anyway

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