CSS Change Time with Javascript


Viewed 535 times


I have a function:

function togglePopup1() {
    document.getElementById('desktop-card').style.width = '480px';

The code is so that the width page increase with one click.

But how do I make this change happen, for example, in 2 seconds? I’ve looked everywhere and couldn’t find how to insert a runtime.

Besides width, there are several other CSS properties that are also changed at the same time.

  • 1

    How so happen in 2 seconds? Take 2 seconds to trigger the event or the duration of the animation is 2 seconds ?

3 answers


I’m not very good at javascript but the solution is simple and to be done with CSS using Transition.

function togglePopup1() {
    document.getElementById('desktop-card').style.width = '480px';
#desktop-card {
  width: 100px; /* tamanho inicial */
  height: 50px; 
  background: #ddd; /* Cor para demonstrar o efeito  */
  transition: 2s; /* Class transition */
  -moz-transition: 2s; /* Firefox 4 */
  -webkit-transition: 2s; /* Safari and Chrome */
  -o-transition: 2s; /* Opera */
<button onclick="togglePopup1()">Start</button>
<div id="desktop-card"><div>

  • 1

    Vitor, vllw mano. I got it here, in Madruga I was so sleepy I didn’t even remember I could use it with CSS. However, it did not work for "Document.getElementById('desktop-card').style.display = 'block';". In case Div #desktop-card appears smooth too.


Assuming you have the style class ready for the desktop-card, just add the properties transition in that class and when to change the style in JS it will receive the transition according to what you set up:

function togglePopup1() {
    document.getElementById('desktop-card').style.width = '480px';
  background-color: black;
  color: white;
  width: 100px;
  transition-delay: 2s;
  transition-duration: 2s;
<button onclick="togglePopup1()">Aperte Aqui</button>

<div id="desktop-card">Teste</div>

Note: I used two properties transition, to transition-delay which specifies the time for the animation to begin and transition-duration specifying the duration of the animation.

There are other properties you can use. Here you can read and see more examples.

  • 1

    Very good the answer, but only complementing, if he wants this change to happen only in this case he could create a specific class that increases the width and also contain these properties of transition and by clicking it would be added the class to the element. Avoiding future side effects.

  • But although it is a id, then it will hardly have a side effect. So consider the above comment only as didactic kk


Vitor, vllw mano.

I got it here, Druga was so sleepy I didn’t even remember I could use it with CSS.

However, it did not work for example

document.getElementById('desktop-card').style.display = 'block';

In case Div #desktop-card appears smooth too.

  • I couldn’t understand it right, you want to apply the transition effect in div while applying the display block in the desktop-card id?

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