Parameter by name in the query


Viewed 26 times


I have the following appointment

SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE ip =

I would like to make a query by sending parameter by name using DB::raw()

$dados = DB::raw("SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE ip = :ip", ["ip" => ''])

It is possible?

I tried that way but I couldn’t

I want to do so, because if you have a query that repeats again the parameter I do not have to repeat variable

  • What do you really want to do??? I don’t understand ... just answering that you asked that way there not there ... !

  • Instead of using ? by parameter as some name. Example: WHERE id = ? use WHERE id = :id, in some queries I need to repeat this id

  • I understood, but, no \DB::raw doesn’t have that.

  • Etntendi! Beauty, thanks!

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