Show success message without leaving the page


Viewed 905 times


I have a form that sends some data to the database and uploads it to an FTP, the bank part has a if which returns the error in a variable and shows the error in the form itself. But my question is how do I do it for another type of error ? Follow the code below:

$query = "INSERT INTO ".$table." (versao, revisao, data) VALUES 
('".$versao."', '".$revisao."', '".$data."')";
$resultado= mysqli_query($conn, $query);

    $_SESSION['msg'] = "<div class='alert alert-success'>Versão e Revisão cadastrada com sucesso!</div>";
    $_SESSION['msg'] = "<div class='alert alert-danger'>Erro ao cadastrar ao cadastrar Versão e Revisão!</div>";

This is the example that stores in a variable and displays in a part of the HTML form.

<div class="container">

        echo $_SESSION['msg'];

How could I do for this message I manage to display on the form page instead of going to another page to show the message ?

if ( @ftp_put( $conexao_ftp, $destino, $arquivo_temp, FTP_BINARY ) ) {
// Se for enviado, mostra essa mensagem
    echo '<br> <p class="alert alert-success d-flex justify-content-center"> Arquivo enviado com sucesso! </p>';

} else {
// Se não for enviado, mostra essa mensagem
    echo '<br> <p class="alert alert-danger d-flex justify-content-center"> Erro ao enviar arquivo! </p>';

Como nesse exemplo que mostra a mensagem acima do formulário

  • In php not to be done, you will have to use ajax.

  • the way it is there in the example that has $_SESSION['msg'] = , wouldn’t have something like that ? I tried to do this one and it didn’t work. Or in this case there is by is within a session ?

  • You can’t do that. Only with php you could not change the content of the page, you need to use javascript, with ajax, I suggest you study this better to implement. I did a little research and that here can help, it is a tutorial that creates a php register with ajax.

2 answers


Since php only runs on the server side, the information arrives on the server, it gives you a feedback, and the page loads. You will need to use my friend ajax.

Use the upload method (I’m using jquery in this case):

function enviarDados(){
     method: "POST",
     url: "seuarquivo.php",
     data: { versao: $("#versao").val(), revisao: $("#revisao").val(), data: $("#data").val() },
       // #resultado é um id de um elemento de texto, como <p> ou <span>
       //quando você der echo na outra página, ele virá como parâmetro para essa função aqui.

In the data you pass an object with key and value of the variables that will be sent.

In his form you can put a click event on the button, something like:

<button onclick="enviarDados();">Salvar</button>

Your php can stay as it is, you will only assign to variables the data that will arrive via post. You’ll need a strategy to get the data. Usually, I take the .val() of input and put into a variable, versao for example. Remember to put echo in your php.

There are other methods that use ajax, such as $.post. Read more here

  • By doing with AJAX, the only thing that will refresh on the page will be my message of success or error ? And how would I show the message ?

  • I edited with the answer

  • 1

    Note that $.ajax is a function of the jquery library, so if you haven’t already imported it into the project, you’ll have to.

  • Instead of me putting the action=teste.php, I would leave blank and the action would be done by the onclick of the button ?

  • That, you will need jquery, or change the function to getElementById

  • You will need to take the action, and I recommend changing the input from type Submit to a same <button> .

  • So, on the form page I put this code you gave me, then in my php I left it like this (, the page appears that you are making the secure connection and so on, but it clears the form fields and does not send anything, I have to change something else in php ?

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// Verifica se o "dados" está configurado, se sim significa q o form foi submetido(enviado)
if ( isset($_POST['dados']) ) {

    $query = "INSERT INTO ".$table." (versao, revisao, data) VALUES ('".$versao."', '".$revisao."', '".$data."')";

    $resultado= mysqli_query($conn, $query);

    if(mysqli_insert_id($conn)) {
      $_SESSION['msg'] = "<div class='alert alert-success'>Versão e Revisão cadastrada    com sucesso!</div>";
      $_SESSION['msg'] = "<div class='alert alert-danger'>Erro ao cadastrar ao cadastrar  Versão e Revisão!</div>";

    if ( @ftp_put( $conexao_ftp, $destino, $arquivo_temp, FTP_BINARY ) ) {
      // Se for enviado, mostra essa mensagem
      $_SESSION['msg2'] = '<br> <p class="alert alert-success d-flex justify-content-center"> Arquivo enviado com sucesso! </p>';

    } else {
        // Se não for enviado, mostra essa mensagem
       $_SESSION['msg2'] = '<br> <p class="alert alert-danger d-flex justify-content-center"> Erro ao enviar arquivo! </p>';

} // fim do if

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>Seu form</title>


            // Mostra a msg q está na variável global $_SESSION
                echo $_SESSION['msg'];

                echo $_SESSION['msg2'];


        <!-- Deixe o action vazio para que os dados sejam enviados para propria página  -->
        <!-- Isso resolve o seu problema de sair da página -->
        <form method="post" action="">

            <!-- crie um input do tipo hidden(oculto) para sinalizar que os dados do form foram enviados -->
            <input type="hidden" name="dados">


  • 1

    Aahh I think I got it, so this $_SESSION variable is actually a php function that works within a login ?

  • It is a 'superglobal', or global automatic, variable. This simply means that it is available in all scopes by the script.

  • Using this method, it will return me the message in the form itself, but it will redirect to a blank page that would be my php, then when I go back to the form page, appears the message, the only one to continue on the page would be using ajax to send the data as the friend above said, right ?

  • You can send the data to another file. php and then redirect to the form page again with: echo "<script> Location.href = 'seuform.php'; </script>";

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