Spring Data jpa save() method does not work, returning an object with nullid


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Personal I have Rest Api developed with Spring, Hibernate and springboot, I am with a problem when making a post call to persist the data of a particular client, does not generate any error and also is not persisted the data in the database when testing the call in Postman it returns the object as if it were saved but the id comes with zero value, follow my code below

@Entity(name = "TB_CLIENTES")
public class Cliente implements Serializable {

private static final long serialVersionUID = -9073849407172730391L;

@Column(name = "CLI_ID", nullable = false)

private Long id;

// A tabela de Cliente se relaciona com Lojista,
// porém através do campo Cliente.CLI_LOJISTA <=> Logista.LOGIN_USER_LOGIN <=>
// e não através do ID.
// O relacionamento não é adicionado da maneira correta aqui pois isso degrada a
// performance, bem visível nos logs de SQL do hibernate.

// @NotNull
// @ManyToOne
// @JoinColumn(name = "CLI_LOJISTA", nullable = false, referencedColumnName =
// private Lojista lojista;

@Column(name = "CLI_LOJISTA", nullable = false)
private String lojistaLogin;

@Column(name = "CLI_NOME", nullable = false)
private String nome;

@Column(name = "CLI_ENDERECO", nullable = false)
private String endereco;

@Column(name = "CLI_NUMERO", nullable = false)
private String numero;

@Column(name = "CLI_BAIRRO", nullable = false)
private String bairro;

@Column(name = "CLI_CIDADE", nullable = false)
private String cidade;

@Column(name = "CLI_UF", nullable = false)
private String uf;

@Column(name = "CLI_CEP", nullable = false)
private String cep;

@Column(name = "CLI_FONE1", nullable = false)
private String fone1;

@Column(name = "CLI_FONE2")
private String fone2;

@Column(name = "CLI_OBS")
private String obs;

@Column(name = "CLI_EMAIL")
private String email;

@Column(name = "CLI_RG", nullable = false)
private String rg;

@Column(name = "CLI_CPF", nullable = false)
private String cpf;

@Column(name="CLI_PHOTOCLI", nullable = true)
private String foto;

Controller interface and its implementation

@RequestMapping(value = "/new", method = RequestMethod.POST,
    consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, 
ClientVm newCliente(@RequestBody Cliente edit) 
        throws BadRequestException, NotFoundException ;

public ClientVm newCliente(@RequestBody Cliente cli)throws BadRequestException, NotFoundException  {
    try {
        return business.newCliente(cli);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(ClientServiceImpl.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    return null;

business layer and repository(Jparepository)

public ClientVm newCliente(Cliente cli) throws NotFoundException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    LoginUser currentUser = clientBusiness.getCurrentUser();
     String fileName = null;
    String patch = null;

    if (!cli.getFoto().equals("")){
        byte[] data;
        Date curDate = new Date();

        SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy-hhmmss");

        fileName = "Logos/photocli/"+cli.getLojistaLogin()+"-"+cli.getCpf()+"-"+format.format(curDate)+".jpg";

        patch = Constants.PHOTO_CLI_PATH +fileName;

        data = Base64.getDecoder().decode(cli.getFoto().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
        try (OutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(patch)) {
        System.out.println("Salvando base de dados em "+patch);
    Cliente cliRepo = clienteRepository.saveAndFlush(cli);
    ClientVm clienteReturn = new ClientVm(cliRepo);
    return clienteReturn;

  • Have you tried debugging to see if you are falling into the save method?

  • 1

    already yes save method is accessed!!

  • Also falls in Return business.newCliente(cli);?

  • Also post the log that Hibernate generates when you run saveAndFlush.

  • One thing I realized, when I try to persist a client in Hibernate arrives the arguments as follows "[2018-11-13 21:21:07,939] DEBUG b.c.p.s.c.aop.logging.LoggingAspect - Enter: br.com.prazoseguro.srv.core.business.ClientBusiness.newCliente() with argument[s] = [Cliente [id=null, lojistaLogin=1295, nome=UBIRATAN TERRA DE MATTOS, endereco=RUA TIRADENTES, numero=415, bairro=CENTRO, city=ALTEROSA, Uf=MG, cep=37.145-00, fone1=(35) 99752-1886, fone2=(35) 3294-1159, Obs=null, [email protected], rg=12435859, Cpf=065.700.996-20]] "

  • In another it arrives as "with argument[s] = [br.com.prazoseguro.srv.model.entity.Video@186c2554] ", an object arrives

  • someone else to help???

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