How to get a user’s code via SESSION


Viewed 39 times


Hi. I was wondering if that’s possible


I take his name via session step to a variable, I search the bank and return your code to insert it in another table in the bank. The following error is happening.

Object of class mysqli_result could not be converted to string

here is where I get the information that was sent from html.

                while($linha = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultado2)){


Giving an error in the function insert.

function inserirVenda($codigoUsuario,$codigoProduto){
    query("INSERT INTO venda (codigoProduto,codigoUsuario) VALUES ($codigoProduto,$codigoUsuario)");


Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to Undefined Function mysql_connect_error() in C: xampp htdocs igor_work 2 connectionBD.php:22 Stack trace: #0 C: xampp htdocs igor_work 2 crudVenda.php(36): query('INSERT INTO ven...') #1 C: xampp htdocs igor_work 2 controleVenda.php(26): inserirVenda('12', 'code') #2 {main} thrown in C: xampp htdocs igor_work 2 connectionBD.php on line 22

  • This error indicates that the way you are treating the output is wrong. The mysqli_result returns an object, not a string, so you can’t just have the variable printed, it has to pass through a repetition loop first to then access the specific object indexes. Post more of your code!

  • it really was. But now this giving a bank error

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