Help with logic UPDATE using queries


Viewed 30 times


It’s the following guys, I have two tables, the table esc_usuarios which contains information from registered users and esc_usuarios_slog, that contains the records of the casualties, in which they are performed through a button that changes the column usu_situacao for ativo.

What I want is to create a function where, if there are no casualties in the last 30 days, the user is set to inativo.


|    32    |  Diogo |   ativo    |

esc_usuarios_slog: usu_slog_codigo is the user id

|    4   |      32       |  2018-10-08 |      ativo      |

What I have so far is the query that looks for casualties in the last 30 days:

SELECT * FROM esc_usuarios_slog 
WHERE usu_slog_data 
between (CURDATE() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH ) and CURDATE() 
ORDER BY usu_slog_data DESC

And also the one who does the UPDATE for inativo:

UPDATE esc_usuarios SET usu_situacao = 'inativo'";

These two queries are dealt with within if and if Else. Hence I need to give this update to users who do not have a low table esc_usuarios_slog.

1 answer


You can assign the result of query looking for casualties in the last 30 days to a variable. So, you can use the function mysqli_num_rows, making a condition, that if you have more than 0 (zero) records, you loop the low query that updates the status for each user, using as a condition the user’s code.


$baixas = mysqli_query($conexao, "SELECT * FROM esc_usuarios_slog 
WHERE usu_slog_data 
between (CURDATE() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH ) and CURDATE() 
ORDER BY usu_slog_data DESC");

// aqui verifico se foi retornado alguma baixa
if(mysqli_num_rows($baixas) > 0) {
   // aqui percorro a lista de baixas retornadas
   foreach ($baixas as $baixa) {
       // aqui executo a query passando a condição WHERE
       mysqli_query($conexao, "UPDATE esc_usuarios SET usu_situacao = 'inativo' WHERE usu_codigo = " . $baixa['usu_slog_codigo']);
       // perceba que estou acessando o atributo usu_slog_codigo como array, para exemplo, vai depender de como você está retornando no seu, caso seja objeto, o acesso deve ser assim: $baixa->usu_slog_codigo

I set this example to understand how it works, then just adapt to how you’re doing it.

  • I’ve done the treatment with if and Else, the problem is it update the correct users.

  • I need to know how to insert a Where there where will only be updated to inactive, users who have no low, in my query and yours, it will update everyone to inactive

  • I get it. Do this, if you return any results in the low query, foreach the low, and in each loop you run the update command, passing the user code. I’ll edit my answer so you can see

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