Page loads normally but with 404 status


Viewed 76 times


Has anyone ever seen anything like?

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

It’s an Laravel 5.7 project hosted on the king host, the site is running normally on the local server, but on the web server it loads the page with the 404 status and so I can’t log in or anything, this is the third server I migrate

UPDATE No matter what I put on this page it always gives the 404 error, I already put straight on the route to return only "test" it displays the test with a 404 status

I have some Apache logs I requested by calling

Wed Nov 07 17:07:24.503040 2018] [core:info] [pid 116542:tid 140133659547392] [client 2804:14d:bad4:9daf:40d7:3cc0:9fd3:fbd:51362] AH00128: File does not exist: /home/engenhariamrc/www/admin/login 2804:14d:bad4:9daf:40d7:3cc0:9fd3:fbd - - [07/Nov/2018:17:19:05 -0200] "GET /admin/login HTTP/1.1" 404 1134 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/63.0" 51956

  • Hello! Check the permissions of the folder where the file is on your server. First do a test by changing the folder permission to chmod -R 777

  • 1

    @Fabianomonteiro MY GOD YOU ARE A GENIO, had to have the same last name, it worked super well, I changed the permission of the public folder to 777, creates an answer there so I can put as correct answer

  • Do not change the permission of the public folder, but review the permission of where the login file is stored

1 answer


Hello. This problem is related to the permissions of the folder where the login file is. First check which permission is set in the folder, then do a test changing to chmod -R 777, but then check the permissions and be careful with security. The right thing would be for you to set up all your directories to 755 and its files to 644

  • 1

    I got it, thank you very much, I just needed to find what caused the problem, now I’m gonna set it up right

  • @Andrémonteiro Boa!

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