I have a field in my database (dt_nf) that is DATE type. I would like to do a query that groups not by date, but by month and year, but I’m not getting it. My code is like this:
Sum(sjy_vendas.qtv) AS qt,
Sum(sjy_vendas.rprd) AS rec,
Sum(rprd-tprd-vlr_compra) AS lucro
FROM sjy_type
INNER JOIN sjy_empresas
INNER JOIN sjy_vendas ON sjy_empresas.id_empresa = sjy_vendas.empresa
AND sjy_type.id_tipo = sjy_vendas.tipo
WHERE sjy_type.dep='1'
AND sjy_empresas.grupo='$grupo'
AND sjy_vendas.dt_nf BETWEEN '$inicio' AND '$final'
AND sjy_vendas.empresa LIKE '$emp'
GROUP BY MONTH(sjy_vendas.dt_nf) AS dt_nf
ORDER BY sjy_vendas.dt_nf
Thank you for the reply Ana, but it has not yet worked. You are giving the following error: "Fatal error: Call to a Member Function fetchAll() on a non-object in D: xampp htdocs n_kurma pages head.php on line 456"
– Webster Moitinho
This error doesn’t seem to be related to the query, you tried the query outside of php and it doesn’t work? what I was saying is that you have to have at least the field you want to group into select.
– Ana Teixeira