select month and year of a datetime field


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I own a field of the kind datetime and I need to make a consultation based only on the month and year. While researching, I noticed that there is the function extract, but it separates only one value from the datetime.


SELECT * FROM mytable 
WHERE EXTRACT(month from date_column) = 5
AND EXTRACT(year from date_column) = 2018;

Is there any function that does this "Extract" instead of using the AND?

  • to do exactly what EXTRACT does in its simplicity I do not know, but I also see no reason to have. you could use a sub string and compare a part of the date plus it arrive and be a gabiarra comparing what EXTRACT does.

  • You can use the date_trunc('Month', seu_campo_timestamp function).

2 answers


You can use the TO_CHAR in the date field, passing the format only to return the month and year, as an example below:


data_exemplo DATE := TO_DATE('10/01/2005','DD/MM/YYYY');
data_exemplo_2 DATE := TO_DATE('13/03/1998','DD/MM/YYYY');
v_nome VARCHAR(30);


INTO v_nome
WHERE TO_CHAR(data_nasc,'MM') = TO_CHAR(data_exemplo,'MM')
AND TO_CHAR(data_nasc,'YYYY') = TO_CHAR(data_exemplo_2,'YYYY');

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Valor retornado: ' || v_nome);


Follows the result of the execution:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

You can also use TO_CHAR by spending the month and year at the same time (as below), so it would depend on your need.

INTO v_nome
WHERE TO_CHAR(data_nasc,'MM/YYYY') = TO_CHAR(data_exemplo,'MM/YYYY');

Good studies!


The best way to do this would be to check the interval between dates.

FROM mytable 
WHERE date_column >= '2018-05-01'
  AND date_column <= '2018-05-31';

detail: worth giving a read in this question and understand why not use functions like the EXTRACT in the where.

  • but what’s the problem? if the date should be 5 months and 2018, it should obligatorily be greater/equal 01/05/2018 and less/equal 31/05/2018, no?!

  • 1

    reread the question.

  • read.. reread.. what I saw q could change was the fixed date; but I believe this does not invalidate the answer, since in the question it is not parameterized.. no further, than I understand, the answer is this! if I’m wrong, please edit the question or comment something that helps, since no one answered!!

  • 1

    it a function that does everything at once type WHERE date_column = '2018-05'

  • understood, but also do not know any function type.. the closest (considering performance) I believe that would be what answered

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