Jquery is only appearing value of an input with . serialize()


Viewed 278 times


I started studying Javascript and Jquery. I was doing a test to display on the screen what was sent via Form, but it is sending value only from a field, someone would be able to help me?!

Here’s the HTML with the script:

<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.0.min.js"></script>
<form name="frm" id="frm" method="POST" action="">
   <input type="text" name="nome" id="nome" value="" />
   <input type="text" name="sobrenome" id="sobrenome" value="" />
   <input type="submit" name="enviar" id="enviar" value="Enviar" />
<div id="exibir_valor"></div>
   $("#enviar").click(function(e) {
     var valor = $("#frm").serialize();
       action: $(this),
       data: valor,
       success:function(data) {
         $( "#exibir_valor" ).html(data);

and here php just for testing (Insert.php):

  var_dump($name = $_POST['nome']);
  $last_name = $_POST['sobrenome'];

Thanks in advance!

  • 1

    Your code looks ok. You can do Alert, or console.log from valor to see what’s there? and in PHP you’re just doing var_dump of one of the fields. It would be better to do var_dump($_POST);. What gives you that?

2 answers


Have you tried in the file Insert.php to do so, for me the js file is correct

  var_dump($name = $_POST['nome']);
  var_dump($last_name = $_POST['sobrenome']);
  • Puts that lack of attention! Poxa Thanks Marcos!


Jquery is working correctly (see jsfiddle), but in PHP you’re only giving var_dump on $_POST['nome'], to see all do so:



or so:

  • Ended up not really seeing, thanks for the quick response!

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