I am trying to sort the result by a specific column of a database array.
function cmp($a, $b) {
return strcmp($a['usu_codigo'], $b['usu_codigo']);
usort($usu_info_coluna, "cmp");
Giving a var_dump
in $usu_info_Coluna
, he returns:
array(21) { ["usu_codigo"]=> int(1) ["usu_nome"]=> string(5) "LUANN" ["usu_senha"]=> string(60) "$2y$10$I4RqdKD/cOwRDNpFgtIbWeVirNIfxHPREMEklGaBuONGRZMtQfUgq" ["usu_sobrenome"]=> string(5) "SOUSA" ["usu_cpf"]=> string(11) "12345678998" ["usu_rg"]=> string(9) "123456789" ["usu_nasc"]=> string(10) "2018-10-22" ["usu_endereco"]=> string(4) "AV 2" ["usu_numero"]=> string(2) "97" ["usu_bairro"]=> string(8) "BLOCO D2" ["usu_cep"]=> string(8) "11900000" ["usu_cidade"]=> string(11) "REGISTRO-SP" ["usu_uf"]=> string(2) "SP" ["usu_tel"]=> string(10) "1338226293" ["usu_cel"]=> string(11) "13997821923" ["usu_genero"]=> string(9) "Masculino" ["usu_situacao"]=> string(5) "ativo" ["usu_email"]=> string(22) "[email protected]" ["usu_indicador_codigo"]=> NULL ["usu_datacadastro"]=> string(10) "2018-10-22" ["usu_nivel"]=> string(3) "adm" }
What did I do wrong using usort? I changed and changed the code of the usort, but always returns me a different error, and I believe that was as close as I got.
UPDATE 0: This is the prepared query I use for the query:
$_SESSION['codigo'] = 1;
$usu_codigo = $_SESSION['codigo'];
$usu_situacao = 'ativo';
$stmt3 = $conexao->prepare('SELECT * FROM esc_usuarios WHERE usu_indicador_codigo = ?');
$stmt3->bind_param('i', $usu_codigo);
$usu_ult5_cad = $stmt3->get_result();
Displaying through a table:
$limit = 2;
while($limit -- && $coluna_ult5 = $usu_ult5_cad->fetch_array()){
<th><?php echo $coluna_ult5['usu_codigo']; ?><br></th>
<td><?php echo $coluna_ult5['usu_nome']; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $coluna_ult5['usu_sobrenome']; ?><br></td>
<?php }
Only this array ordering will make me have to change the original query?
– Luann Sousa
It depends. What is the original query? If you think it is feasible, edit your question and put it there, so I can analyze it
– Wallace Maxters
What I really want to do is filter the table results, for example limit to 2 records (all ok) and sort by ascending/descending order by a column, "usu_code" for example. I don’t want to sort by the query using an order by because I don’t want to have to do a query that looks for the same results just to sort, I just want to do a search in the database to show by the site.
– Luann Sousa
But think of a difficulty to fit this usort into my code.
– Luann Sousa
I couldn’t understand why I didn’t use order by.
– ThiagoYou
How do you make the Function return "get_result"?
– ThiagoYou
I don’t want to use order by in a second query because I just want to do a database search, I already have the data in a SELECT *, you know? I want to optimize the code to use the smallest amount of searches in the bank
– Luann Sousa
Well, that’s all there is, I get the search result, I use the fetch array and display the data in a table, choosing which columns and how many records I want to display, only how I will use a query, I need to sort the data out of the query.
– Luann Sousa
It is hard to understand your code, it is very pricked. Where necessarily are you calling the usort? Because in "while" you’re getting straight the bank results. And I also did not understand why you would want to do a second query, there is no way to already sort the first?
– ThiagoYou
I haven’t called the usort yet, because before I even call, gives this error, I want to use it in that while. I’m not going to do a second query, I want to sort the first one anyway.
– Luann Sousa
"SELECT * FROM esc_usuarios WHERE usu_indicador_codigo = ? order by usu_indicador_codigo" does not scroll?
– ThiagoYou
And you only want to show 2 results?
– ThiagoYou
does not scroll because I do not want to change the original query,
– Luann Sousa