Carbon producing inconsistent results


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$datSuspensao   = Carbon::parse($objAlt->dat_inclusao)->addDays(8)->startOfDay();
$datNow         = Carbon::now()->startOfDay();
$diasRestantes  = $datNow->diffInDays($datSuspensao, false);
dd('($datNow ' . $datNow . ') - (' . '$datSuspensao ' .$datSuspensao . ') = ' . $diasRestantes);

//"($datNow 2018-10-23 00:00:00) - ($datSuspensao 2018-10-20 00:00:00) = -3"


$datSuspensao   = Carbon::parse($objAlt->dat_inclusao)->addDays(15)->startOfDay();
$datNow         = Carbon::now()->startOfDay();
$diasRestantes  = $datNow->diffInDays($datSuspensao, false);
dd('($datNow ' . $datNow . ') - (' . '$datSuspensao ' .$datSuspensao . ') = ' . $diasRestantes);

//"($datNow 2018-10-23 00:00:00) - ($datSuspensao 2018-10-27 00:00:00) = 4"

Inconsistent result

For some reason you’re adding 1 hour to $datSuspensao where the number of additional days is equal to 9. For this reason, the calculation is wrong.

$datSuspensao   = Carbon::parse($objAlt->dat_inclusao)->addDays(9)->startOfDay();
$datNow         = Carbon::now()->startOfDay();
$diasRestantes  = $datNow->diffInDays($datSuspensao, false);
dd('($datNow ' . $datNow . ') - (' . '$datSuspensao ' .$datSuspensao . ') = ' . $diasRestantes);

//Imprime: "($datNow 2018-10-23 00:00:00) - ($datSuspensao 2018-10-21 01:00:00) = -1"

How it comes from the bank (dat_inclusion) I must add n days on dat_inclusao as you can see up there.

$objAlt->dat_inclusao = date: 2018-10-12 18:40:11.0 America/Sao_Paulo (-03:00)
  • It won’t be because your watch is wrong?

  • I removed the tag [tag: Carbon has no relation to the Framework, it is only a library used by it.

  • The date format that is coming from the bank is date: 2018-10-12 18:40:11.0 America/Sao_Paulo (-03:00)

  • @Can wallacemaxters be something related to daylight saving time? day 21 Several devices changed by themselves. @Erloncharles I gave a Carbon::parse on this date before

  • @carlos sure can. My server here was adding the logs an hour longer. Linux updated itself. I noticed this yesterday and modified the date of the server, not to have more errors.

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