I don’t appear as a collaborator on a project I’m part of in Git


Viewed 440 times


I’m doing a job for a discipline with my colleagues. I can pull and commit, however, I don’t show up as a contributor to the project, not showing my chart.My colleagues can only see that I did commits. I appear as a person from repository, but I don’t appear as a contributor. I can see everything my colleagues do. When the project started I accepted the invitation to be part of the project. What can be happening?

  • You have already tried to go into the project settings, into contributors/collaborators and add a new contributor/collaborator?

  • I’ve tried, but it also keeps going wrong.

2 answers


You really are part of the commits. It asks them to perform the developer insertion process again with your Github name. Make the confirmation and e-mail, and check again if it was added as a contributor. Basically it’s a simple process and I don’t see how it would go wrong. Print histórico commits

Also check that your Github account is confirmed.

  • Bruno, I did what you recommended, but you continued with the same problem.


Github identifies by the commit author’s email. Run on your terminal:

git config --list

See if the output of this command has your email address, and which one is configured. This needs to be the same email that is in your Github account. If it’s not, you can add an email to your Github account.

If unfortunately you did not find your email in the command output, you did the commits without a specific email. To fix this you will need to make a rebase --interactive changing all commits, adding your email to the commit author, and then making a push --force-with-lease. I do not recommend that you do this, because you have a great chance of going wrong, even more for doing a forced push.

  • What is this --force-with-lease? I only knew the -f/--force ; if you think it worthy, I can open a specific question about that

  • 1

    The --force-with-lease only does the push if in the remote there is no commit after the history of the local Code. Get this +/-?

  • understood perfectly. Very grateful

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