DWR - Null classes


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I’m having trouble injecting the classes by calling some methods using DWR with Hibernate.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


public class ManterArvoreClassificacaoController {

    private ArvoreClassificacaoService acs;

    private AreaArvoreClassificacaoService aacs;

    private AreaService areaService;

    private ArvoreSubClassificacaoService ascs;

    public List<ArvoreClassificacao> listarArvoresArea(Area area) {
        return acs.listarArvoresArea(area);
    1. Your class ArvoreClassificacaoService is in fact a bean (is noted with @Service)? 2) This class is in a package below the class that has the method main() of its application? 3) The others Beans that controller work or are also null?
  • @Statelessdev, the service is marked as <@Service>. My application has no Main() method, it is a web application.

  • If you are using Spring Boot, you have a class annotated with at least, @SpringBootApplication and, within it, a method main(). It refers to this class that I asked you about and that should be in a package above all others, so that Spring can properly scan your classes and create Beans. If this is not followed, yours Beans are not scanned, are not created and this may be the reason your injections are null.

  • I’m using Spring MVC

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