I am not allowed to write in a directory in Laravel 5.6


Viewed 571 times


Hello, I’m having trouble writing in a directory in Laravel 5.6, I created the directory on the server and when I will upload it gives this error:

unable to write in the "uploads/imagens/assinatura" directory

curious that I have another "avatar" directory and use the same way to save images in both. I can save on the internal server, but when I go up I can’t, follow the code:

Code saved in "signature" that says I don’t have permission:

            $destino = 'uploads/imagens/assinatura';
            $arquivo = $request->ds_ass;
            $nmArquivo = $id.'-'.date('d').'-'.date('m').'-'.date('Y').'-'.date('i').'-'.date('s');
            $extensao = $arquivo->getClientOriginalExtension();
            $nomeArquivo = $nmArquivo.'.'.$extensao;
            $foto = $arquivo;
            $salvaFoto = new \App\Anexos;
            $salvaFoto->ID_CD_PESSOA = $id;
            $salvaFoto->DS_ARQUIVO = $nmArquivo;
            $salvaFoto->DS_EXTENSAO = $extensao;

            $fotoprof = $prof::find($idProf);
            $fotoprof->DS_ASSINATURA = $nomeArquivo;

Code that runs error-free:

                    $destino = 'uploads/imagens/avatar';
                    $arquivo = $request->ds_arquivo;
                    $nmArquivo = $id.'-'.date('d').'-'.date('m').'-'.date('Y').'-'.date('i').'-'.date('s') ;
                    $extensao = $arquivo->getClientOriginalExtension();
                    $nomeArquivo = $nmArquivo.'.'.$extensao;
                    $foto = $arquivo;
                    $salvaFoto = new \App\Anexos;
                    $salvaFoto->ID_CD_PESSOA = $id;
                    $salvaFoto->DS_ARQUIVO = $nmArquivo;
                    $salvaFoto->DS_EXTENSAO = $extensao;

                    $fotoPessoa = \App\Pessoas::find($id);
                    $fotoPessoa->DS_FOTO = $nomeArquivo;

1 answer


Error of permission:

If you are on Linux

chmod -R 755 /diretorio/do/seu/projeto
chown -R $(whoami):$(whoami) /diretorio/do/seu/projeto

Usually uploads are done in folders:

- storage/app
- public/

The function $(whoami) returns your user name. If by chance it is another user as www-data, just change in the above command.

If you are on Windows

Go to folder, right click, properties, deselect read-only and try again.

You can also go in the tab Security and try to apply permissions to all Read and Write users, etc.

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