Symbolic link does not work on Laravel


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I’m trying to make a folder inside the directory public Storage of Laravel, but I was unsuccessful. The folder to be made public is on the way:


Yes, outside the public. I’ve tried to create the symblink usually with:

php artisan storage:link

And even created the link symbolic, but not yet obtained access to images.

Later I tried:

ls -l -s "project/storage/app/images" "project/public/"

Also unsuccessful.

  • You can redirect via .htaccess or configuration of Nginx. If you use any of them.

  • I didn’t understand how htacess would help me, since the images are only in /app/images/ but I would like to know how :) Thanks for the reply!

  • If I understand correctly, you want to access https://www.example/storage/app/images and have access to the files in the folder /project/storage/app/images. If so, in the Nginx and Apache you can use the alias

  • No, I can only display the images that are in admin/public in Laravel and, as is not the case, it is necessary to create something that allows such a thing...

  • Is your environment windows? Using something like a Vagrant machine?

  • Ubuntu, not my friend.

  • With Storage:link you create the symbol link and when to access it will be Storage/app/images/IMG.jpg. Tried so and still it didn’t work?? No error running command?!

  • How are you trying to access the public file? I mean, by which URI?

  • Anthonyrodrigues : no, all right, you even created the symbolic link icon. tropicoder12 : With the following URL: project.local/Storage/public/images/image.jpeg

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1 answer


When you create the link to your public website, access to it becomes via <host_do_projeto>/storage/<nome_do_arquivo>, that is, if you upload a file to your public archive as foo.txt, access to it will be through <seu_host>/storage/foo.txt, and the same thing for files in subfolders, for example <seu_host>/storage/bar/foo.txt. You can still use the function asset() to generate the file access link, for example echo asset('storage/foo.txt');

Try again, by the php artisan storage:link create access to the public directory, store your public access files in it with Laravel’s own functions and access the way I mentioned that is the correct way to use this form of storage.

In the documentation has all this in more detail and with other forms of storage.

  • But I already do so, for example: project.local/Storage/public/images/image.jpeg

  • And it still didn’t work? This file path "/public/images/image.jpeg" was you who defined it at the time of upload?

  • Put in question the code that uploads to see how the file is going up.

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