pull registry and filter from mysql pro php


Viewed 26 times


I’m trying to pull the information in Mysql and show it in php, with a filter in the name of the room

$reserva = mysqli_query($connect, 'select * from reserva join curso on reserva.idCurso = curso.idCurso join professor on reserva.idProfessor = professor.idProfessor join sala on reserva.idSala = sala.idSala;');
$reservaArray = mysqli_fetch_array($reserva);
$selectSala = mysqli_query($connect, 'SELECT * FROM sala') or die('Deu erro');
    while($teste = mysqli_fetch_array($selectSala)){
        $arraySala[] = $teste['nomeSala'];

for ($sala=9; $sala<=20; $sala++){
          echo   '<tr>
                 <th scope="row">'.$arraySala[$sala].'</th>
                 <td colspan="3" class="text-center">';
                       if($arraySala[$sala] == $reservaArray['nomeSala']){
                             echo $reservaArray['idCurso'].' - '.$reservaArray['nomeCurso'].' - '.$reservaArray['nomeProfessor']; 


there are 3 records, but only the first one is shown. I’ve tried using the while but I couldn’t execute

  • this is the second part of the table, so I started 1 more than the previous

  • Hello @Jhonata Welcome to Stackoverflow, please add the code that queries the database to supplement the question

1 answer


what I noticed is that it is passing in the index of the array, and it is starting with 9, the array starts with index 0, in which case it would also be simpler to use a foreach.

for ($sala=0; $sala<=20; $sala++){
          echo   '<tr>
                 <th scope="row">'.$arraySala[$sala].'</th>';

foreach (arraySala $value){
//conteúdo do loop

you can get more details on the use of foreach in: http://php.net/manual/en/control-structures.foreach.php

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