Format array of dates


Viewed 316 times


I have an Laravel application with the following code:

private function todosRegistros($id, $colunas = ['data', 'nivel'])
    return Leitura::select($colunas)->where('estacao_id', $id);

public function _24horas($estacao_id)
    return $this->todosRegistros($estacao_id)
        ->where('data', '>', Carbon::now('America/Sao_Paulo')

When executing the _24horas method I receive a array with the value of the levels and the corresponding registration date.

It turns out that the date returned comes in American format (YYYY-mm-dd) and would like it to come in Brazilian format (dd/mm/YYYY). Using Carbon::parse I can modify the date on array but I would like an alternative where I modify them all at once. Someone has an idea of how to do this?

Thank you.

  • Have you tried this way ?

  • @Valdeirpsr Already yes. Mutators modify the format as the application inserts the information into the database, I would just like to change how it is displayed not how it is recorded. Thanks for the help.

  • I think you can find the solution to your problem here:

1 answer


In the simplest way, I’d make a appends and a method for this field to pick up the date and move to format d/m/Y H:i:s (or d/m/Y), example:


<?php namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Leitura extends Model

    protected $fillable = ['name']; 

    protected $appends = ['created_at_br'];

    public function getCreatedAtBrAttribute()
        $value = date_create($this->attributes['created_at']);
        if ($value)
            return $value->format('d/m/Y H:i:s');           
        return null;

that is, in this example in array of appends the name has been inserted created_at_br and was also created an accessor with the name getCreatedAtBrAttribute whereas the get means to redeem the value and name of the appends with initials uppercase and finally Attribute at the end, which is the default for access methods.

After doing the research observe the example:

>>> App\Models\Leitura::find(1)->toArray()
=> [
     "id" => 1,
     "name" => "Stackoverflow",
     "created_at" => "2018-10-17 20:25:32",
     "updated_at" => "2018-10-17 20:25:32",
     "created_at_br" => "17/10/2018 20:48:18",

In this example the obtained data do not interfere with those that make relation with the database, do not disturb the formats that is used for example in a CRUD.

Reference: Eloquent: Serialization - Appending Values To JSON

In your case it could be:

protected $appends = ['data_br'];

public function getDataBrAttribute()
    $value = date_create($this->attribue['data']);
    if ($value)
        return $value->format('d/m/Y H:i:s');           
    return null;

If your bank is MySQL another solution is in SQL:

       ->where('estacao_id', $id)
  • 1

    thanks for your reply, did not know it was possible to use appends much less that could format by SQL. It was very helpful.

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