PHP Abstract Function with interface argument


Viewed 21 times


I’m trying to create an abstract function by passing an interface as an argument:

abstract class AbstractManagement {
   abstract public function handle(RequestInterface $request) :array;

But when I try to create this method in my class:

namespace App\Http\RequestManagement;

use App\Http\Requests\ServiceStoreAndUpdate as Request;
//ServiceStoreAndUpdate implementa RequestInterface

class ServiceStoreAndUpdate extends AbstractManagement
    public function handle(Request $request) :array
        return $request->validated();

Returns me the following error:

"Declaration of App Http Requestmanagement Servicestoreandupdate::Handle(App Http Requests Servicestoreandupdate $request): array must be compatible with App Http Requestmanagement Abstractmanagement::Handle(Http Requests Requestinterface $request): array"

It is not possible to pass an interface, or a parent class as an argument in an abstract function?

  • $request->validated(); returns what? a Boolean?

  • Returns an array.

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