How to manipulate a Json Object before returning to the API


Viewed 135 times



I have this method in my controller:

@GetMapping(value="/{id}/perfil", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public String carregarPerfilUsuario(@PathVariable("id") Long id, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
    obj.put("usuario", ur.findWhereId(id));
    obj.put("postagem", pr.findAllWhereUserId(id));
    return gson.toJson(obj);


I’m using gson to turn an object into json and JsonOBJECT to create an obj that will be returned at the end:

private static final Gson gson = new Gson();
private static final JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();

however do not know why while converting my data it inserts unwanted attributes into my api:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Map and Myarraylist, I wish I didn’t see those attributes when I convert, like I do?

The result I’m looking for is similar to the image, I just wish I didn’t have these attributes I commented in bold in the question.

  • See if using GSON’s own Jsonobject instead of Jsonobject solves your problem.

  • You’re using the right class (JsonObject)? I tried to reproduce here but I couldn’t find the method put in that class :(

1 answer



The methods you are using suggest that you have a Map (put method) and an Arraylist (findAll method), hence your map and your myArrayList.

The correct thing to do is to have a POJO that represents the object to be returned by your API, and populate it with user data and posting.

For example:

public class PostagemDTO {

   private Usuario usuario;
   private List<Postagem> postagens;

   // getters e setters


So your API will return the desired result.

I hope it helps!

  • Hi Tomaz! Welcome to Stackoverflow in English. I agree with his point of view regarding building a class to serve as a return to the method, rather than String, but that was not his question. It questions the functioning of GSON and its classes. Again, I agree with you about the overall implementation. Even, you can use this as a complement to an answer that answers the exact question! :)

  • Hi, I don’t think I made myself clear, so... The result he is looking for does not need the internal classes of GSON, just create and popular the POJO as I showed, and use the method. toJson But of course Spring does it alone if he returns the POJO direct in control yes. Thanks!

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